Our Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Ocean Whitefish has attracted support celebrities from all over the world to fight for comment justice on blogs. Too long have some blogs hogged all the comments while others go commentless. Together with Bono, Kukka-Maria has created "I Still Haven't Found the Comments I'm Looking For" or ISHFTCILF. Brad Pitt, Oprah and others have joined the cause. Our Misionary to the Polytheistic has created this charming graphic to highlight the need for more evenly distributed comments.

Please feel free (after commenting here and with our Mother Superior) to right-click, save and re-size this ground-breaking logo so you can showcase your social conscience on your own blog. Tie the image back to the permalink of Mother Superior's post so people all over the world can be educated and inspired to join the fight for blog comment equality!
Our Maximum Leader has made it a top priority this feline liturgical year to bring comments (and more on-line poll votes) to all.
This is too big a cause to ignore. Hopefully, people will do the right thing and share their comments with those less fortunate. It only takes five seconds out of one day to leave a comment for some poor blogger.
If we only we could recruit Sally Fields or Jamie Lee Curtis to aid in our battle against comment-less blogs...
While the support has grown (over the weekend), this morning, I awoke with the tears of thousands of commentless bloggers streaming down my cheeks.
You public support is just the thing we need to raise awareness! Thank you for standing behind this important issue.
Comments for all! ;)
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