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Audible. I love to read books, but by the time I get home and have time to read, I'm too tired to do it. Instead of reading books, I now listen to books as I drive. Audible has been a great tool helping me learn and exposing me to literature I always wanted to read.
Dave Ramsey - This guy is the best when it comes to managing your money. Listen to Dave and put your financial worried behind you!
Zig Ziglar - Everyone is in sales in one way or another. Everyone. You can't go wrong learning sales techniques from Zig!
Brian Tracy - Goals!This book changed my life. It led me along a process of determining my goals and helped me focus on what was really important. I refer to it all the time.
Zig Ziglar - Secrets of Closing the Sale I listened to this one off Audible two times through in a row. I apply what I learned from it all the time.