Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Eating out is not a Hunger Strike

At her visit to the vet early last week, our Maximum Leader was told to lay off the high carb cat food and go on the "catkins" diet. We purchased her some special, high-protein food which she seemed to like right away. All did not stay well, however.

She had gotten her annual shots and they did blood work on her, too, because of her age. She didn't like that at all and attacked everyone in the office when they tried to keep pressure on the spot where they had taken the blood. That's our Maximum Leader! A whirlwind of death and destruction when she's angry. To add insult to injury, I promptly went on travel and her Serene Furriness went on an apparent hunger strike in a fit of pique. Our neighbors came by to feed her, but her dish stayed full. When I returned, she simply refused to touch her food. I gave her some tuna, which she ate immediately, but her crunchies remained untouched.

She's starving! Absolutely famished!

Deeply concerned, I locked her in the house overnight. We have a cat door which is open 24/7, but I closed this off to her. Last night she ate all of her food. It's pretty clear what happened. One of our neighbors, perhaps as a result of some personal problems, has been appealing to the Mystical Powers™ of the Feline Theocracy by feeding our Maximum Leader. She's been dining out all this time.

Look at her! She's just skin and bones!

While we appreciate the fact that some have an urgent need for the intercession of her Serene Furriness, we really must find the source of these victuals and cut them off. I'm sure we can persuade them that her purrayers on their behalf will be just as strong if they but offer her substantial petting and praise.

For more posts on purring epicureans, visit this week's Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats.


Kelly the little black dog said...

Poor little waif. ;)

Aloysius said...

Our Maximum Leader on a diet? Oh, no! I think she looks cuddly.

Anonymous said...

"locked the kitty door"...

hmmm... I think that constitutes unlawful detention and/or possibly even Kat-napping!

As Knight Protector and Defender of Yarn Balls I must investigate this aligation of abuse most thoroughly......

Kukka-Maria said...

HAHAHAH! I'm dying here! That poor thing is wasting away if she's only getting fed at two homes!

And now that she'll be cut off from one of them? I'm lighting candles for our Maximum Leader right now...

mog said...

Great big tummy perfect for Tummy Tuesday too.