Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday 13, Alexandria Edition

1. Between the ages of 2 and 9, I lived in Alexandria, Virginia.

2. I was there last week on business so I stopped by my old house.

3. Here’s a photo.

4. In the winter, we used to sled down this hill.

5. Visiting Mt. Vernon, George Washington’s plantation, used to be free. It now costs $13 to get in. What changed? Insurance costs?

6. I found this little bug on a fence railing.

7. told me it was a ladybug larva. Way cool!

8. Whenever I travel, I always stay at Marriot hotels.

9. I have been trying to get reservations within per diem at the Crystal City Gateway for years and I finally managed to stay there this time. I had a 17th floor room with a view across Washington, DC.

10. I’m glad I got to stay there, but I did not like it at all. Way to ritzy for my tastes. Opulent decorations and massive lobby and hallways, it was unnecessarily lavish for me.

11. The weather was perfect. A little rain at the end of the trip, but nothing to complain about at all.

12. Except for getting home at 1 AM on Saturday morning.

13. I hope I can post the photos for this, but Blogger has been fighting with me for days when I’ve tried to upload photos. If I can’t get Blogger to work quickly, I’ll put them on Filelodge instead. It worked! Yay!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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Brandee Fondren said...

My peach tree was full of ladybug larvae this spring, I didnt know what they were either.

Red said...

I think Alexandria, Virginia, looks like a fine place to grow up in. But then, I love the look of suburban (would you call it that?) America!

Thanks for stopping by. How’s Brother Jacob, BTW? :-)

Speckledpup said...

nice pix.

thanks for the tour down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

Awww your old house is so lovely and who is living there now, do you know? it's quite costy to pay $13 to the plantation but well alot of things changed now heehe..
I love that pic of the bug and the street you used to sled.

Happy T13.

Anonymous said...

That ladybug larvae looked really weird. Guess it's an ugly duckling syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my T13

Unknown said...

VA is a great state! Friends of mine live there. Neat bug! Cool hill! Great list! Mine is up!

Cheryl said...

Its nice to go back, isn't it; even when things have changed. Its like reasserting which way is up.

Jackie said...

Somehow "ladybug larvae" sounds a lot better than "ew a bug". My TT are up.

Anonymous said...

Isn't lady bug larvae cool looking? Nice pictures too!

Thanks for the nice comment on my site. :)

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence--I am at this very moment in Northern Virginia visiting my sister and her family! You left before it got hot--man it is almost as bad as India right now. whew!

Unknown said...

Alexandria is a really nice place! I've been there once or twice. Great list and thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine how much fun it would be sledding down that hill!!! Oh the great memories you have.

My T 13 is up

Unknown said...

WHen my husband and I worked for AT&T years ago, they always put their emplotees up at Marriotts whenever they traveled. My husband amassed enough points for Marriott gold card, we used some of the points for a week's stay at the Marriott closest to the White House in Washington DC. It probably wasn't as opulent as Crystal City Gateway, but it was a lot nicer than we probably would have paid for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to go back to your childhood home and see how it's changed. Thanks for stopping by today!