... is part of what we celebrate tomorrow on Christmas. I think it was Hans Urs von Balthasar* who said that without Jesus we would have no way to comprehend or even approach God. God would be this infinite, unfathomable being. In Jesus, we have God as Man.
I'm grateful for that. I hope you have a very merry Christmas.
The Big Guy as a Tiny Dude. |
* - Is Hans Urs von Balthasar a great name or what? Supervillian? Crazy, scientific genius? King of Prussia? It works in so many ways.
*starts laughing gleefully*
I was trying to figure out why his name looked familiar, but not quite right....
Gaius van Baelsar, also known as The Black Wolf (漆黒の王狼, Shikkoku no Ōrō?, lit. The Sable King of Wolves), is one of the prime antagonists of Final Fantasy XIV, first appearing on the final quest of the main storyline. His rank within the Garlean Empire's army is Legatus Legionis, and he is one of the generals leading the invasion into Eorzea.
It's in no way, shape or form an imported version of the theologian, but a quick read-over of the catholiceducation organization's website makes me go "hm. Someone may have been attempting to hit at a theme."
Hope you have a lovely Christmas KT. God Bless. Lig.
Mrs Ohioan and I would like to wish a Merry Christmas (or holiday of your choice) and a Happy 2020 to KT, Mrs KT, and all the readers of this blog.
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