Inspired by
Laurence Simon, I give you this photographic comparison between my beloved New Orleans Saints and Hamas.
First, there is the team performance.
Aaron didn't really throw it backwards again, did he?
All we heard was a whoooosh and then a huge explosion!Then comes the fans' reactions.
Another crummy season!
Another crummy season!Lastly, there are the press conferences explaining away another defeat with one crucial difference.
I've been fired.
I haven't.
My buddy from Arkansas says
"Weak …
Hamas are much more effective than the ‘Aints!"
Them's fightin' words, son! Just let me get in my rowboat and I'll come across the broken levee and teach you a lesson!
In all seriousness, thanks for the comment. I would suggest that Hamas has yet to accomplish anything other than to wreck their own country's infrastructure. Kidnapping one Israeli was kind of a poor trade for getting their power plant smashed and more buildings destroyed. It's not like the Palestinians can rebuild quickly. They've spent all their money on guns and rockets instead of Catepillar D-9s and DeWalt drills.
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