As a part of their Pride festivities, the city of Bloomington, MN invited Martina Marraccino to read to children at the public library.
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You can see more at this tweet. |
Hey, man, love is love.
When it was discovered that Martina was also known as Adam Divine and was an incest fetish pornographer, the invitation was rescinded.
Yay. We won. The Lizard Empire was driven off. Sort of.
Hunter Biden
There are videos available on the Interweb Tubes of Hunter Biden with a Russian hooker in a hotel room saying various unsavory things. All the stuff that Trump was supposed to have done in the non-existent Russian hooker pee tape were actually done by Hunter Biden. Some have suggested that this will be a scandal for the president because he could be subject to blackmail.
Why? In a country that was perfectly willing to have Martina Marraccino read to children at the library until it turned out he was a Satanist pedophile, who's going to blink an eye at the president's son smoking crack with a Russian hooker?
On The Border
Dig this video from someone living on the border in Texas. Given what's going on with pedophilia normalization, the only thing I can think of is that these kids were going to be sold as sex slaves here in America. Because love is love, man.
It's inconceivable that any members of their families would do this to them. They had to be part of a larger set of human cargo and the cartel members dragging them across the border dumped them to make better speed.
Note that they are all girls. They look too young to be able to give any reliable identification of their captors to authorities. That's just the sort you'd jettison if you needed to shed some weight and keep the rest of the herd moving.
I blame White Rage.
Given what's going on with pedophilia normalization, ...
There is no ongoing pedophilia normalization, unless you count people who think kids masturbate.
I do agree that we should never vote for Hunter Biden.
Sure there is. Remember 2 weeks ago, that woman tweeted or facebooked or some other implement of destruction, that there should be porn for kids. Sure it was removed when there was push back. But then a couple of days later, a "reputable" newspaper put out a poll or opinion piece on the very same thing. Chipping away at morality until there is none. 2 or 3 years, that invitation will not be rescinded.
Mostly Nothing,
She was talking about teenage kids (13-16). Maybe you don't remember being a teenager and didn't have any yourself, but I do and did. I went to a Catholic school, and the some of girls there used to pin up the school uniforms to show more of their legs. It was easy enough to find Penthouse, Playboy, etc. (this is before VCRs and laser disks were common). There was plenty of porn and plenty of people interested in being sexual. That's been normal for teens since before the Bible was written.
So, why didn't you know that teens were being discussed? Did your sources mislead you?
People are human, that is imperfect. That is why they need morality to try to lead them on the proper path. People will stray, but there is a basis.
My kids went to Christian Schools and they benefited from that. Yes, the girls in 7th and 8th grade rolled up their skirts.
I am very imperfect. I fail EVERY DAY to live up to what I could be.
The progressives promise only destruction of everything. Please look at Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis. This is what they offer. Is that what you want?
The conservatives at completely lost. I am politically abandoned.
Mostly Nothing,
I can appreciate that you are in a great deal of pain right now, culturally. I have no doubts you are a generally fine person, and work harder at being even better.
We built our system on the destruction of some people to the benefit of others. I'm sure you agree that is not appropriate. Rebuilding does require destruction. I don't want destruction any more than I want a cancer patient to take poisons that kill the cancer faster than the patient, but much like the chemotherapy provides a net benefit, so tearing down the inherent unfairness can produce a net benefit, if that's what people try to do during the rebuilding.
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