I want to thank all of you for coming by and reading the 'Post. Your visits, comments and participation mean a lot to me. I've learned a great deal through this blog, but without your visits, I would have quit a long time ago. I owe a debt of gratitude to every one of you, even the anonymous visitors who came in via Google searches. It's been the traffic counts that have kept me going and trying new things.
My life is richer because of you.
Update: Here's my live hit count. Yay!
Update 2: Around noon on the 23rd and we're just inches away!
Update 3: Whoohoo! Visit 100,000 occurred at 11:41AM on November 23, 2007. It was from Lewisville, Texas by someone searching Yahoo for "feline scratch post" and coming in to this Carnival of the Cats. They must have been completely confused. Hooray for confusion!
Thanks, everyone. And Wollf? You can have a hairball any time. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving, KT and Jacob.
And from the Wollf's Lair greetings too. I've got Lil' Wolfie, Bigger and the She Cub for the weekend.
Yah Hoo!!.....got some valium?
What do we win for being the 100,000th visitor?
One of the Supreme Ruler's hairballs? An out of focus, autographed picture of Jacob?
One of Momma Daisy's orange petals?
Come on there KT, make it interesting. heh
That's very exciting - congrats!
It's all that tithing - 10% of blog traffic adds up :)
Rose, you're absolutely right. It's all that tithing. Thanks!
Wollf, I was thinking about what I could do to celebrate. I never thought of a reward. I've been considering doing some "I Support the Feline Theocracy" mugs using Justin's terrific logo over at CafePress. How would we know who was the 100,000th visitor, though? Besides, it's not that you in particular crossed the line at the right time, it's that you guys have all supported this blog through visits, comments and links.
You all deserve a reward!
I think I need to do more Pay Per Post posts so I can afford to give everyone coffee mugs.
99,997.....see you in THREE!
Wollf has a mission. I will not fail.
OOh RaH!
Aaagh. I'm stuck at 99,999!!
Wollf has failed.
Oh well, I already have a hairball. No sense being greedy.
Congrats, KT on a milestone.
Wollf, it only registers you as a unique visitor if you haven't been here in an hour or so.
Thanks, buddy. I really appreciate the fun this has been and look forward to what will come in the future.
Dang! I missed it! You're already at 100,080! Congrats!
K T Cat,
Props to you on the big milestone. Even more congratulations by doing so with a blog that does not descend into the demagoguery, name-calling and general vitriol that is so prevalent on today's blogs. I appreciate that you are polite even to those who disagree or just misunderstand your posts.
Thanks, B-Daddy!
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