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*Among long-term prison inmates, 70 percent grew up without fathers, as did 60 percent of rapists and 75 percent of adolescents charged with murder.Once the car has gone over the cliff, who is there to help pick up the pieces? One group of people who are doing something about it is Long Island Youth Mentoring (LIYM). LIYM volunteers provide full-spectrum mentoring for at-risk youth. They help these children improve in school and grow as responsible citizens. They specialize in matching volunteers with children. The volunteers time each week with their child helping them with schoolwork, sports and socialization.
* Fatherless children are three times more likely to fail school, require psychiatric treatment and commit suicide as adolescents.
*They are also up to 40 times more likely to experience child abuse compared with children growing up in two-parent families.
Children growing up in very difficult circumstances need to experience love that is expressed over time. Our mentors spend 2-4 hours with these children each week. The consistency of this commitment speaks loudly. It says, "You are valuable. What you think about and the things that bother you are important."LIYM also has a mother’s ministry in which they give assistance to single mothers who need time, counsel and support. They also have a jail ministry that seeks to help youth who are incarcerated break the cycle of crime and self-destruction.
A vast majority of the children in the One-to-One program of Long Island Youth Mentoring come from single-parent homes and are being raised by their mothers or grandmothers. It is our belief that oftentimes if we want to effectively minister to troubled families, we need to reach not only the children, but their mothers as well.Lastly, LIYM has a pen pal ministry wherein you can give some aid and comfort if you can’t be there. It allows you to interact with these children and show them that someone cares even though time and distance prevent you from being physically present.
The sad truth is that many kids stay on the waiting list (for a mentor) until they 'age out'. This ministry is a great blessing to many who have asked for a mentor but would otherwise not receive one.Hollywood and TV show you the pleasures and freedom of a libertine lifestyle. It’s up to people like those in Long Beach Youth Mentoring to clean up the mess that gets left behind.
Did we say "pissed off?" Well, the brings up the album's two angriest songs, Dolenz's "Never Enough" and Nesmith's "Admiral Mike."…"Admiral Mike," on the other hand, is a furious growl propelled by snarling guitar and a manic Dolenz vocal that may convince you he's about the grab Davy's red maracas and beat some deserving "stupid twit" to a messy death. Hey, aren't these guys supposed to be too busy singing to put anybody down?It’s pro-Navy and anti-Newsweek. I demand a recount.
I was eight years old when I was first exposed to drugs. My mother and her boyfriend were selling pot out of the apartment and the police came and busted the house. My mother went to jail…My siblings and I were questioned by the police as to whether or not we have ever noticed green stuff or white powder in the house. We were small children and didn't have a clue…my father…died from an overdose of heroin…(I had a friend who) taught me how to roll a joint and we smoked it. I was so high and everything was so funny. When mom came home she knew someone got into her stash. She confronted me about it, I told her yes, and she said it was ok for me to smoke pot, but only in our house.I have a very good friend who is a recovered alcoholic and drug addict. He told me his story once and it was much like this. He now donates his time to AA and works to help others recover. In his own, quiet way, along with people like Lachele, he’s doing a world of good.
…I met my 17-year old daughters father, who is Jamaican, and he gave me all the cocaine I wanted for free. Little did I know that it would lead me to a life of hell and destruction. I started off by snorting. Then I made drug trips for him, flying to Tampa Florida, carrying kilos of coke.
…I stop making these drug runs. Then my mother started doing the trips for him. He paid her $2500.00 but make the money back from her since she was buying it from him and smoking it. I didn't know about smoking cocaine just yet. Then when I did learn about this, I tried smoking it. My mother and I were high every single day.
…(I began to) prostitute myself for the drugs. My two children were born addicted to cocaine. My daughter had to stay in the hospital because she had the shakes so bad. The social worker wanted to take my son away from me. I had to sign papers stating I would make sure he got special care for the withdrawal for an infant.
I said to myself I was going to stop then, but I didn't. I continued to use for another two years. I hit rock bottom with a heart attack at the age 29…(At the hospital) they put me on the psych ward. I didn't care I needed help, and I knew if I went back home, then I would use again and die leaving my three children at that time.
I went to meetings, got a sponsor, and went to a recovery house called Safe Haven. THANK YOU LORD for those women. They taught me how to live. I was the first to graduate without being kicked out for using.
…I am a counselor now, and I work with people who have disabilities. I am so grateful that I am able to help someone, just as someone helped me, unconditionally. For those who are reading this story, if you are using, stop now. There is an easier and softer way of living without using anything to change your mood. And if you are not using and know of someone who is, please share my story with them. I will be 11 years clean in January 2005. For all the grace of God, keep clean it will work if you work it. Love Lachele
As members of "Love on a Leash", we take our Certified Therapy Dogs to visit residents in assisted living homes and Alzheimer's facilities as well as patients in hospitals and hospice situations. Some of our dogs and owners also work with special needs children. We are all volunteers. Using non-verbal communication, our dogs provide moments of joy and a connection that is truly special.Here are my favorite photos from the event and a few things I observed. To see larger versions of the pictures, just click on them and you'll get a bigger view.
In an attempt to learn more about retail marketing, I’ve embarked on a series of interviews with local businesses. Here is what I discovered from one such interview.This was a treat. There was a single owner and he had owned the store since 1961. He sold acoustic guitars and repaired all manner of guitars. I asked him if he made guitars and he gave me an earful about that.
In an attempt to learn more about retail marketing, I’ve embarked on a series of interviews with local businesses. Here is what I discovered from one such interview.Neon tetras! I had missed seeing them for years. For me, there is little in the natural world more beautiful than a school of neons. That alone was worth a visit to this store. It was a very modest store, small by tropical fish store standards. There was a single owner and no employees.
In an attempt to learn more about retail marketing, I’ve embarked on a series of interviews with local businesses. Here is what I discovered from one such interview.The florist was the most fun to interview by far. She was positively radiant with enthusiasm for her work. Her biggest customer group was brides. She ran a one-person shop with a very modest storefront in a location unlikely to get much walk in traffic.
In an attempt to learn more about retail marketing, I’ve embarked on a series of interviews with local businesses. Here is what I discovered from one such interview.The upholstery store I visited did custom covers for furniture, pillows, drapes and related home decorations. The owner was somewhat reluctant to talk to me and seemed to wonder just what my purpose was. Having worked at stores like this I realized immediately that this woman probably gets a couple of salesmen a week just walking in and trying to get her to buy something.
I'm writing this as a free thought exercise, so saying "a couple" means I don't have to have the whole thing planned out before I write it. I am so clever! :-)The first reason is that I am trying a new line of work and I want to use this blog to share my experiences with you and to provide myself with a diary of my discoveries. I am currently the lead business development manager for a $1.4B organization. I do strategic planning and marketing at the corporate level. It is loads of fun. I want to start moonlighting as a business consultant for small businesses. I will be the first to admit that I don't think my specific training translates well. For example, I know nothing about direct marketing like mail, radio or flyers. After having read books and journals, today I start the direct education process by meeting and interviewing business owners. This blog will detail what I learn.