Well, er, not really.
You plant seeds from a variety of species of plants in a flat and then see which ones are ready to transplant into your garden first. It's growing faster than NASCAR, Soccer and Skeleton combined!
What the @%^#&* is Skeleton, anyway?
Not wanting to be left out of this fad, The Scratching Post is jumping in with all four feet! Eight if you count the hamster. We're not only going to participate in Seed Racing, we're actually going to let our readers gamble on it!
Er, that's not entirely true. I just had to get my car repaired and I can no longer afford the plants I wanted. I'm having to grow them from seed. I wanted to chart their growth over time and decided to garden blog about it instead of keep the results to myself.
So without further ado, let's meet the contestants. We're growing four different types of seed. Gold Dust Alyssum, Mixed Painted Daisies, English Lavender and English Daisy Mix.
If you say "garden blogging" fast it sounds vaguely German. "Mein Gott! Ist eine gartenbloggen!"
The seeds were planted on Sunday, October 15. Our horoscope charts indicated that this was a propitious day for planting.
Actually, we never consulted any horoscopes. We just had some extra time that day.
Here's where the plants are coming out of the gate. Click on the pictures for much better images.

And now it's your turn to put your money down. Just vote in our poll. Feel free to post your bets in the comments section of this post.
Gamble responsibly. Know when to quit. If you have a Seed Racing gambling problem, please put the mouse down and call 1-800-I-must-be-insane.
Stay tuned for the next exciting installment!
Update: In order to stay ahead of all of the other sites that will soon be starting their own Seed Racing events, I'm making sure this gets maximum coverage. Look for links at the open trackback posts at StopTheACLU, Angel's blog, The Amboy Times and others.
Update 2: In support of Seed Racing, I just joined the marvellous site, BlossomSwap. I posted a thread about Seed Racing there. I'm obsessed with Seed Racing!
I think my coffee might be too strong.
I'll bet a cup of catnip on the daisies!
You're on. I'll bet a can of tuna in water on the Alysum!
lol ..a new form of gamblin..who would have thunk it?.>..:)
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