Tuesday, February 13, 2024

When The Church No Longer Preaches Sin, We All Become Prey

 From my blogiversary post:

Hypothesis: Without an objective model of reality, civilization will collapse into barbarism.

My argument: The Catholic Church is the keeper of that model. There's no particular reason why the people running the Church should continue to defend or espouse that model. If they abandon it in favor of flaccid niceness, all bets are off for all of us.

From today's Twitter feed:

Here is a snippet of that tweet with the verbs emphasized.

The FBI is warning that MS-13 gang members, such as leader Ãlmer Canales, could team up with Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang that has embedded themselves with a surge of migrants crossing the southern border...

Tren de Aragua, which law enforcement is warning is rapidly expanding its criminal empire with a spate of brazen phone robberies in the five boroughs, is now a priority for the FBI, Special Agent in Charge John Morales said...

Morales, the special agent in charge of the El Paso division in Texas, said the agency is closely monitoring Tren de Aragua’s growth and is concerned about it forming alliances with existing networks...

“While these gangs wouldn’t normally mix, it’s always going to be a concern as the gang [Tren de Aragua] expands in strength and establishes a foothold,” said Morales.

“Right now we are working with our local law enforcement partners and sharing intelligence in order to stop the growth of Tren de Aragua.” ...

🔥 (T)he FBI is now pleading with Venezuelan migrants to report gang members, offering them witness protection and temporary visas if they do.

Well, that will certainly stop the predators. Or maybe not.

I've read interviews with black gang members in London who talk about the effect African migrants have had on crime there. They all say the Africans' level of violence is on an entirely different plane from what London used to have. The sheer ferocity and amoral, predatory behavior of the newcomers has forced the existing London gangs to ratchet up their own levels of violence to match.

Meanwhile, God is love. Love is love. We must love and give and accept. Radical inclusion is the way. At least that's where the Church is right now. Lambs to the slaughter, as it were.

We lack the mental framework to deal with the predators among us. That's absolutely clear from the reaction to the illegals attacking the cops in NYC and then the illegals in the dormitory tents going at it with each other. Everyone, all over the world is just the same as the people we have coffee with in our Ivy League faculty lounges, right?

We in the Church used to believe in Satan and hell and evil. The world was tough so we had to be tough, particularly men. Not so much any more. Without that structure, we cannot cope with the raw violence of MS-13 and the rest.

Remain calm, citizens. Law enforcement is on the job. We're concerned so we're warning, pleading and monitoring. You have nothing to fear. They just want jobs and peace.

Bonus Data Point

Dig this from NYC.

City cops are getting beaten at a record-setting pace — a disturbing and dangerous trend fueled by radical protests, an influx of criminal migrants, bail reform, anti-cop rhetoric and soft-on-crime prosecutors, experts told The Post.

The number of cops hurt by suspects surged 20% in 2022, when 4,724 uniformed officers suffered injuries in attacks, compared to 3,933 in 2021.

But the law enforcement nightmare grew worse last year, when 4,077 cops were hurt by suspects in just the first nine months of 2023 — on pace for a record-breaking 5,436 injuries, the latest NYPD stats show.

Note that it's more attacks on fewer officers because the NYPD has been hemorrhaging cops. Per officer, the stats are even worse than the article suggests.

You'd have to be nuts to stay in the NYPD. As it dwindles ... what? Do we just practice more radical inclusion, Bishop?

A Super Special Bonus Data Point That Needs No Explanation

1 comment:

Ilíon said...

Here is how that last is almost certainly going to work out --

IF the police manage to DNA match that "evidence" to some specific individual, and

IF the prosecutor dares to indict "him-or-her",

The defense will "argue" that "Clearly, this evidence cannot be used to convict my poor, harmless client -- just look at her there -- for semen comes only from men!", despite asserting the opposite on every other day but this;

AND, the judge and jury will acquit on those grounds.