Monday, February 05, 2024

The Pain Of Modern Christian Theology

OK, progressive Christians, I have a task for you. Without judging, using objective rules or referring to religion, explain why what this girl is doing is wrong. Alternately, explain why what she is doing is either right or is morally neutral.

If you don't know about OnlyFans, it is a site where anyone can create a channel and be paid to perform sex acts on camera.

I you're not a progressive Christian and you're just some laity schlub sitting in the pews hearing your deacon or priest tell you that God doesn't care about religion or rules and He hates judgmentalism, ponder what is happening to the families of the, what, 10,000? subscribers of this girl's OnlyFans channel. It's all good, right? Well, at least you're not supposed to judge.

Super Happy Lucky #1 Bonus Task

Again, without referring to religion, objective rules and using no judgment, talk this girl out of what she's doing.

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