I've got a great new idea that's going to make me a ton of money! I'm going to make a Catholic Catechism alphabet coloring book! I checked around and didn't find any others so I've got the market all to myself. With something like a billion Catholics in the world, if I even get a small percentage of them to buy my book, I'll be rich as Rockefeller!
It can't miss! I've already started picking out the mansion I'll buy with my insane profits. |
Great idea! The big question, though, is what are you going to use for "x"? That's where most of the alphabet books kind of go to pieces.
(Here's my alphabet book. It is almost entirely armadillos.)
I am in awe of your Armadilliousness.
As for X, how should I know? I figured I'd lose interest and shelve the project around the letter M, so I'd never have to cope with X or Q.
Xylolaters were prosecuted. Quintus Memmius wouldst (woodst) smite them!
With a picture of Martin Luther?
For "X": Tradition says that St Andrew was crucified on an "X" shaped cross.
For "Q": Quo Vadis. No, not the movie. The story about St Peter and Jesus (look it up on Wikipedia).
Xavier. Natch.
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