Sunday, October 06, 2024

Test Scores Are Misinformation

 Dig this.

CHICAGO (CITC) — The president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) earlier this month called standardized testing a “junk science rooted in White supremacy."

Stacy Davis Gates said in an Aug. 5 interview with the Chicago-based radio station WVON that the exams originate from the early-20th century eugenics movement, which centered around the belief that segregation and social exclusion would rid society of people thought to be inferior.

“The way in which, you know, we think about learning and think about achievement is really and truly based on testing, which at best is junk science rooted in White supremacy,” she said.

Davis Gates added that standardized testing has been used to further claims that Black students are inferior.

When people talk to me about testing alone, you know, I have to trouble the waters and challenge that because you can’t test Black children with an instrument that was born to prove their inferiority,” she said.

This came on the heels for recent revelations about test scores in Chicago. Here are some stats from the 8th graders in Chicago. You'll need to click on the images to see them properly.

Less than 30% of black 8th graders are proficient in English. About 50% are effectively illiterate.

Less than 10% of black 8th graders are proficient at math. About 75% are innumerate.

Standardized tests are misinformation or racist or somehow deeply unjust is not an assertion that can survive even a few minutes of thought. For example, how is it that Asians, who come to this country with a completely different alphabet, can run rings around us all when it comes to these tests?

I've come to the conclusion that the recent push towards censorship from the Secular Left, where they complain about misinformation, is really just the standard totalitarian play where bad news is covered up with accusations of inaccuracy.

If things were going well, you wouldn't need to accuse people of misinformation. The proof of our Elites' success would be unmistakable in our lives. When they start complaining that the raw data is racist, you know things are going poorly for them.

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