Monday, October 07, 2024

If The Migrants Aren't Interested In Diversity

 ... then you could be well and truly screwed.

Ireland has a population of about 5M. Ethiopia has a population of about 120M. Africans of some origin or another have been arriving in Ireland by the boatload for some time now. The "migrants" are almost exclusively military-age males. Not a lot of big-eyed, photogenic moppets in those boats.

We're told by our academics, news media, politicians and entertainers that diversity will make us stronger and we should embrace it. We'll all be one, big salad of people getting along marvelously. All we need to do is embrace diversity and cultural enrichment.

What if the migrants don't embrace it? What if they don't embrace it and then become, at least local, majorities?

Well, then Ireland won't be Irish in those places, will it? It will be Rwanda or Ethiopia or Nigeria or Pakistan in those places. Kind of like how the Tren de Aragua guys from Venezuela turned certain Colorado apartment complexes pretty Tren de Araguaish.

More pointedly, is it OK if the Irish want to keep Ireland Irish? Given global population ratios, if the Irish want to keep Ireland Irish, they'll need to start racially managing their island and pretty soon at that. Is that OK? Is it OK if the migrants come from Pakistan and decide that embracing diversity means all women have to be covered with black potato sacks?

It seems to me that the fundamental weak spot of the diversity crowd is that they assume the migrants want diversity. If they don't, then it's a colonial power - Ethiopia, Pakistan, Honduras, Haiti, whoever - being allowed to invade without any resistance because our Elites are sanctimonious morons drunk on their own fake virtue.

Diversity may be our strength, but it might be even a greater strength for the migrants.

Do irreconcilable cultural differences exist?

1 comment:

tim eisele said...

The guys who regularly tried to beat me up in high school weren't migrants, they were local boys. And it wasn't due to "diversity" or the lack of it, they were just assholes. The only difference between what happened to me versus what is happening to the people in those videos, is there was nobody to video me. I don't see where the bully being a migrant versus non-migrant enters into it.