Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Making The Case For Western Colonialism

 ... is what the progressives are actually doing.

From what I understand, America is systemically racist, run by whites and their allied racial sellouts like the Asians and Jews. Apparently the whites and their quisling buddies are so good at running the country that it's an act of charity to take people of color from other nations and bring them here. The "migrants" leave a trash heap run by people of color and come to the Land of Opportunity which is run by whites and their stooges.

Sadly, we can only save a small percentage of people of color. For example, Haiti has a population of 11,500,000. We've imported roughly 700,000 Haitians. That's barely 6% of them. Sad!

What if there was a way we could help 100% of the Haitians?

How about if we bring in 10-20,000 Americans (read: whites and their racial pawns) and put them in charge of Haiti? That way, the noble Haitians could stay in the land of their ancestors and still reap the benefits of being ruled over by white supremacists who, for some reason, seem to be able to run things much more efficiently and peacefully.

At the same time, the Irish could run Rwanda, the British run Nigeria, the Italians run Ethiopia, hopefully with less gassing of the natives this time, and so on and so forth. Even the French, as silly as they are, could be given a nation filled with people of color to manage. Algeria, perhaps.

Ooh, too soon with that one?

Anywho, think of all the Global Warming Climate Change we could prevent not running boats filled with ominously intense, young, male migrants back and forth across the water, belching out their polar-bear-killing diesel fumes!

Hey, it's worth a try.

These Rhodesian chappies look like a good sort. Certainly a sight better than the maniacs running Zimbabwe now.

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