Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Happy With Lies

Youngest son kitteh got married to an awesome young lady over the weekend. A good time was had by all.

At the wedding, I got to see my daughter, the one who thinks she's a man. I only see her about twice a year, whenever the urge to get together strikes her. Such is life with a trans adult child. Since I won't call her by her fake name or tell her she's a man, I'm almost completely cut out of her life. That's fine with me. Frankly, I'm over this whole extortion racket from her.

She's been on testosterone now for 3 years. Wife kitteh felt certain that she's had top surgery, which means a double, radical mastectomy. It wouldn't surprise me. The last couple of times we met, she's been pushing me to endorse her desires to have her breasts amputated and had put off that catastrophic step only because I denied her my approval. It's hideous, sadistic and barbaric.

At any rate, she's now as masculine as she's going to get and it turns out that's not much. Her voice sounds like that of a junior high friend of mine, she's 5' 4" tall, her mannerisms are still those of a girl and her speech patterns haven't changed since she was in high school, wearing her hair long and looking like a relatively cute, if tomboyish girl.

She wouldn't pass for a man now if all you saw of her was a brief glimpse of a shadowy figure skulking around in the undergrowth.

She was with her girlfriend who easily had 4" on her. That's not going to last.

The whole thing is lies. All of it. The rest of the family talked about how happy she seems, but to me, it was like watching her gayly paddle a canoe right towards a massive waterfall. This is all going to blow up and sooner rather than later. Given how she's poisoned her body with testosterone for 3 years, full-blown menopause can't be far away. Her voice is permanently ruined as are her reproductive organs. Her organs and central nervous system are taking a sound thrashing as well, but we don't have enough data on these particular Mengeleish experiments yet to know just how those are going to crash.

I guess I could go along with the charade, call her by her fake, man's name and tell her she's a man, but I just don't have it in me to lie to her like that.

As long as everyone around her is lying to her, she's happy? That's not sustainable.

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