Friday, May 03, 2024

It's Not The LGBTQWERTY, It's The Paganism

 Dig this.


With the growing acceptance of transgender individuals, the number of gender affirmation surgeries has increased. Transgender individuals face elevated depression rates, leading to an increase in suicide ideation and attempts. This study evaluates the risk of suicide or self-harm associated with gender affirmation procedures...


Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not (3.47% vs. 0.29%, RR 95% CI 9.20-15.96, p < 0.0001). Compared to the tubal ligation/vasectomy controls, the risk was 5.03-fold higher before propensity matching and remained significant at 4.71-fold after matching (3.50% vs. 0.74%, RR 95% CI 2.46-9.024, p < 0.0001) for the gender affirmation patients with similar results with the pharyngitis controls.


Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.

Emphasis mine.

So when you cut off the body parts of emotionally confused young people, they get super-dee-duper unhappy? No freaking kidding. Color me shocked.

I know that my blog posts often focus on the Catholic Church's response to these kinds of things, but I can't think of another organization who has a vested interest in Truth and who will collapse without it. Sorry, the scientists won't fail without the truth. 

See: Lysenkoism, profitability for researchers of.

What We Get Wrong

In addition to not understanding that we're at war and losing badly in a 3-way fight with the Secular Left and the Muslims, we presume that everyone around us is restrained by Christian morality. They aren't. I found this paper via Libs of TikTok who had this pithy summary. "Everything about gender ideology is a lie."

Even she isn't drawing the right conclusion. It's not just the gender perverts that are lying, it's everyone

See: Covid masking, completely understood uselessness of. 

See: Trump-Russian collusion, impossibility of due to Russian reliance of petroleum exports. 

See and see and see.

These aren't isolated instances, they are a pile of dead songbirds in an anthracite mine.

Get it through your heads: the Secular Left isn't constrained by your moral code. Lying is not only acceptable, it's admirable if it gets you what you want. Dig this from the new CEO of NPR.

On this blog, I've pulled threads on education and race and come face-to-face with the fact that blacks are coming out of high schools illiterate in cities where systemic racism is an impossibility because the place is run top to bottom by blacks. Global Warming Climate Change may or may not be happening, but if it's CO2 driving it, you aren't going to stop it because China, India, Russia, Africa, Indonesia and plenty of other places simply aren't going to go green. Lie after lie after lie.

I recently listened to a podcast by a therapist who focuses on trans issues. Interviewing the woman who broke the WPATH Files, where the World Professional Association for Transgender Health was shown to have been saying that informed consent was impossible to each other, but telling everyone else that informed consent was what everyone achieved. It was all a lie because the kids simply couldn't comprehend what the risks were.

Then I found out that there is massive overlap between WPATH and the Endocrine Society leadership members. That's why we get headlines like this.

Endocrine Society alarmed at criminalization of transgender medicine

The Endocrine Society condemns the directive by Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordering the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to investigate any reported instances of Texas children receiving gender-affirming care as “child abuse.” This policy rejects evidence-based transgender medical care and will restrict access to care for teenagers experiencing gender incongruence or dysphoria.

For the longest time, I couldn't understand how the Endocrine Society got hornswoggled by the charlatans at WPATH. Now it's completely obvious. They're the same pack of charlatans. Everyone is lying. Everyone.

Why Are They Lying?

... is the wrong question. The right question is why did you think they wouldn't lie? The answer is that you assumed that everyone implicitly clings to Christian morality. Lying is wrong. Care for the less fortunate. Don't steal. And on and on.

That is not their moral basis. For all intents and purposes they don't have one. The closest thing would be paganism. All bets are off.

Go back and watch the NPR chick. Why shouldn't she lie? Lying gets her what she wants and that's all that matters. Objective morality is a myth for the superstitious Bible-clingers.

The Fruits Of Losing

This is what happens when you're losing the war. We control less and less territory and the Secular Left controls more and more. You can no longer count on any portion of your culture being maintained as it had been in the past.

Plenty Of Room For Optimism

... will be the topic of future posts. I'm actually fairly optimistic. It's just when I find out things like the WPATH - Endocrine Society thing, I think of my daughter and how my diocese couldn't be bothered to even whisper a syllable of support. Instead, it wet its pants being radically inclusive. 

Not to worry. The Truth is a powerful force. It's a weapon WPATH and NPR don't possess.

"So that's what happens when you knock the pagans' idol into the fire. Who knew?" thought Cat who knew all along.

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