Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Choose: Psychotic Sociopaths Or Cops?

The gulf between red and blue is growing every day. Dig this charming exchange between a UC Davis professor and a student.

I looked up dear, little Seeta and found this.

Seeta Chaganti joined the faculty of the UC Davis English department in 2001. She specializes in Old and Middle English poetry and its intersections with material culture. Her first book was The Medieval Poetics of the Reliquary (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008). Her second book, Strange Footing (Chicago, 2018) argues that to medieval audiences, poetic form was a multimedia experience shaped by encounters with dance. In this work, she proposes a new method of reenacting medieval dance that draws upon experiences of watching contemporary dance. Her current project, tentatively entitled "Carceral Angels: An Abolitionist History of the Sheriff," traces a long history of the shrieval office from pre-Conquest England to modern America. It argues that the earliest days of English law forged the triangulation of violence, whiteness, and property that obstructs liberation in Anglophone modernity.  

Chaganti has served as a Trustee of the New Chaucer Society and a Councillor of the Medieval Academy of America. She is currently an Executive Board Member of Race before Race and a member of Medievalists of Color.

Emphasis mine.

The earliest days of English law forged something involving whiteness? How can you define whiteness in a country that is 100% white? 

If you think that's lunacy, dig this: Dance, Institution, Abolition

Antiracist commitments—in medieval studies and elsewhere—are incomplete without a commitment to abolitionist principles. These principles involve the dismantling of police, prisons, and many other institutions fostering the interests of carcerality, property protection, and racial capitalism. This essay encourages scholars of medieval dance to explore abolitionist horizons because, it argues, the study of medieval dance requires the development of three capacities also integral to the abolitionist project: 1) an ability to envision what we cannot know; 2) an understanding of how to act collectively even through our estrangement from each other (as medieval dancers did); 3) a willingness to take risks. These characteristics could help scholars of dance confront medieval studies and mobilize it to make not just the field but also the world a place of freedom, thriving, and mutual care.

Again, if the place is 100% white, the whole antiracist thing becomes, err, problematic.

So she's convinced that her delusional fantasies about medieval England are real and she's telling a student to blow her brains out because the student is filming her during a protest. That's some serious psychotic sociopath action right there. Well done, Seeta!


Meanwhile, in Dixie, order is being at least partially restored to the mental institutions that masquerade as our universities.

The board of trustees at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, voted unanimously on Monday in favor of disbanding its diversity, equity, and inclusion program and diverting the millions of dollars in funding toward campus security, according to a report. 

The UNC trustees’ decision to redirect $2.3 million in DEI funding came amid tumultuous anti-Israel protests on campus and growing backlash against DEI nationwide, the Raleigh News & Observer reported on Monday.

David Boliek, chairman of the UNC board, told the outlet that he believes "there’s administrative bloat in the university," adding that "any cuts in administration and diverting of dollars to rubber-meets-the-road efforts like public safety and teaching is important."

It's a pretty safe bet that the money spent on teaching won't go to medieval dance instructors howling about the whiteness of Chaucer and his pals.

So we've all got a choice to make. We can live in states whose universities are peopled by psychotic race-obsessed sociopaths or ones that are on the road to racial colorblindness and order.

I wish I was in the land of cotton, rational thought is not forgotten ...


Ohioan@Heart said...

This is just one more reflection of the ever-widening gulf between the liberal/Democrat set and the conservative/Republican set. It seems that polarization is the result of everything that happens. Look at what is going on with respect to the Kansas City Chiefs place kicker. He had the courage to state his honest opinion about the relative importance of family and work (at a Commencement address at Benedictine College). Now the lunatic left (but I repeat myself) wants the Chiefs to dump him simply because he thinks differently from them. Seriously? If you don’t like it, then boycott Chiefs games or even the NFL. But don’t try to tell the conservatives that their opinions are worthy of ostracism and financial ruin. I don’t see anyway this conflict between left and right ends except badly.

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