I'm pondering a book and I think I'm close to a theme. This is another thought piece fleshing things out.
In formulating my response to Rod Dreher's call for a defensive crouch, I keep coming back to the naked vulnerability of the secular, progressive culture. Above all, a culture has to work. That is, if it goes extinct or is conquered, it's what we scientists call a failure.
I posit that the secular, progressive culture is a complete failure. The only time you hide from such a thing is when you're biding your time, waiting for it to collapse.
Imagine you're part of the secular, progressive culture. Here's where you are right now...
First, let us agree to do away with whiteness. Whiteness is bad. The Patriarchy goes next because, you know, men. Organized religion is mumbo-jumbo and anyway, a lot of it was just borrowed from the pagans. In sum, Western Europe and it's heritage is utterly expendable.Back in the day, you could order guns and ammunition through the mail. We were a good deal safer, too. What happened? Well, we threw out the cultural structures that kept us safe. Now we need to build new ones, recreating the effects of the Judeo-Christian West without any of it's foundational principles.
Once these things have been expunged from polite company, we are free to live our lives in peace! Well, so long as you don't support any of the aforementioned heresies, which will force us to beat you senseless for peace.
Now that we've done away with the patriarchal family and the strictures of organized religion, we'll all get in our furry costumes and ... wait a minute. Look at Baltimore and Chicago and Oakland! Man, those places are full of gun violence! Sigh. Put the furry costume down and call the Bronies, we need to march for more and more laws against gun violence.
That's a Rube Goldberg machine and it's not working even though we keep adding more and more political and cultural stages to it. No worries, this next round of elections will bring us the leaders we need to replace the traditional family! Well, that and the suppression of anyone who disagrees with us even slightly.
If you spend more than you make for long enough, you go bankrupt and end up living on the street. That's no fun even though you're closer to nature. All of the large, secular, progressive nations are on a nearly irreversible path to bankruptcy. Italy recently abandoned it's pathetic "austerity" effort and jacked up it's budget into tequila-shooters-on-a-Saturday-night territory. The resulting hangover is going to clobber German banks something fierce.
Not to worry, France and Japan are on the same trajectory, so the ripple effects from all of them going down will be hard to trace to any single source. It will be like tsunamis hitting an island from three directions at once. Which one swept away the village? Who knows?
Dig this update on Italy's demographic collapse. Italian data was the easiest thing to come to hand, it's not that I'm picking on them.
The fall in the Italian birth rate has reached its lowest level ever in 2017. In a country of 60.5 million inhabitants, just 458,151 children were born last year, and even less, about 440 thousand, are the new births predicted for 2018 — just over 7 per 1,000 inhabitants, 30 per cent under the median of the European Union, which is already the region of the world with the lowest birth rate.It's kind of hard to claim you're on the right track if you're dying out. That would seem to be a pretty basic measure of, err, "sustainability."
If you consider the fertility rate – or “total fertility rate” – which ensures zero growth, that is, the equal exchange of the population, is 2.1 children per woman, then observe that the Italian figure has been dramatically under that for decades. In 2017 it sank to 1.32, with several regions even more prone to births, and with Sardinia even settled at 1.06.
It's all good, though, the Muslims are still having babies. Marseilles, for example, is 25% Muslim right now. While the secular progressives play with their inflatable sheep, babies name Mohammed are being born by the dozens. How long before Marseilles is majority Muslim? What will that do to the LGBTQWERTYSP500 scene?
I've got a running gag that wife kitteh still finds funny. Whenever we see something like the Furries in Chicago or read about people being ostracized for suggesting that transmen are really women who have mutilated themselves, I say, "Meanwhile, Achmed and Fatima have had four children."
Staying Power
The Church has been around for 2000 years, Islam about 1400. The secular, progressives have been around for, what, 50 years? Yep, they own the media, academia, entertainment and the high-tech industries. So what? None of those will be able to save them from failure when their worldview guarantees it. In effect, they lose ground with each cultural transaction. Increasing the volume by eliminating all competitors will only accelerate the process.
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The secular progressives are never going to get past that chapter. |
This seems relevant but it's worth reading anyway.
Great find!
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