Friday, May 11, 2007

Seven Random Things About Me

Our Poet Laureate has tagged the Maximum Leader of the Feline Theocracy to reveal 7 things about herself. I also have to identify other cats to tag and tell them the rules.

Here are the rules. Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and ask them to read your blog!

So on with the show! Take it away, KT.

1. I like crunchies and I don't like people food. Really. I don't beg for snacks or treats or things from the human's plates.

2. I love tuna. I LOVE tuna. I have a special dish for this that was bought just for me in Japan and it has a picture of a fish on it. It makes a distinctive sound when it hits the counter top in the kitchen, so when I hear it, I know TUNA is on the way!

3. I sleep upstairs all day. Well, maybe not all day, but certainly a huge portion of the day. Mostly I sleep on the kids' beds. Sometimes I sleep in my office furniture, but usually it's on the kids' beds.

4. I love sunbeams and I've learned how to use the shadows in our house to regulate the amount of sun I get on my jet black fur.

5. When Dad comes home, I run downstairs to greet him with head bumps, leg wrapping and purring. I'm a very quiet cat, so I don't meow or talk when he gets home, I just bump my head into him and rub up against him. He pets me and tells me what a good girl I am. I love him sooooooo much!

6. I love to go outside and watch him while he gardens. I always make sure I'm around him, wherever he is because I think he needs my help. It's mostly supervision, but he needs it a lot.

7. I'm a very polite cat. When Dad has forgotten to feed me and it's late at night or early in the morning, I knock on his bedroom door. He has a double door going into his bedroom and he keeps one of them open all the time. The other one makes a gentle knocking sound when I push on it with my padded paw. That's how I tell him it's time to feed me.

Wow. There's lots more about me that I didn't tell! This was lots of fun, so thank you very much, Aloysius! Now I have to think of other cats to tag.

Well, one of them is very easy. Feline Empress and Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Ocean Whitefish, Kukka-Maria.

1 comment:

Scribbit said...

Love to see how other people answered this one. :)