A few weeks back I took my daughter to Old Town in San Diego where there are historical exhibits from San Diego's past. We were there to get an idea of what life was like in colonial Jamestown for her schoolwork. From the artifacts you can see how slow the pace of life had to have been 100-200 years ago. It struck me that boredom must be a learned habit. I don't see how you could have functioned back then with a short attention span. I went back yesterday and took some photos to illustrate this.
"Will that be paper or plastic?" "Neither. I'll just weave a basket out of twigs and leaves."
"You should see the cool new video games, Dad!" "I've got one right here for you, honey. I carved it out of wood with a knife and painted it with pigments made from clay."
"Mr. Johnson, we'll need to fix your wheel." "How long will it take?" "About a week. I need to make spokes out of that tree over there with an axe and a knife."
"Charming hillside cottage with canyon view."
"Joe, hand me the nail gun, will you? I've got over a hundred joints in this cottage." "I don't have a nail gun. Will some sticks and twine do?"Just thought I'd share. I would have shared earlier, but this !!@^%@^ computer is so
slow! :-)
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Very funny stuff. These posts I do enjoy better than the poltics... but ya know you were very good at those, too.
What a good post! REminds me a little bit of "Little House on the Prairie". Pa and Ma had to make EVERYthing the family used! We all forget just how good we have it today.
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