His commentary just blew me away. Of course Iran and Syria have an interest in stability in the region. It's the same interest in stability that Hitler and Stalin had about Poland in 1939 when they signed the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. How could any modern politician be that stupid? Mark Steyn had a great take on this.
I don’t know where to begin taking that apart...What happens though, when you send the president of the United States to sit down in a meeting with the president of Iran, a man who has called for Israel to be wiped off the map of the Middle East, a man who is a Holocaust denier, and presided over a Holocaust denying conference, what you’re essentially doing is making that man respectable. You’re saying well, here’s the American position, and here’s the pro-wiping Israel off the map and Holocaust denying position, and now we’ll put them both in the scales, and reach a balancing point between the two. That’s where Obama is deluded and naïve. And I think frankly, he’s just extraordinarily ignorant about foreign policyTalk about not ready for the job. He wouldn't be ready on day 1, day 100 or even day 1000.

"My diplomacy has resulted in peace in our time!" he later said.
Update: When you stop and think about it, Barack Obama is actually worse than Neville Chamberlain since he's offering to facilitate this era's version of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Furthermore, in the late 1930s, Hitler was at least making noises about wanting peace. Iran has done nothing of the sort and has explicitly called for all kinds of death and destruction on Israel and the US. It's truly surreal to hear Obama complain about being colored as an appeaser when his rhetoric shows him to be more of a naive, credulous pacifist than the greatest appeaser of all time, Neville Chamberlain.
I suppose that when it comes to appeasement, George W Bush is someone who would know what he's talking about.
After all, his Grand-Daddy was right there.
Does the name Prescott Bush ring any bells?
Wow! A conspiracy theory linking Bush to the Nazis through events happening about 70 years ago! How horrid.
Never mind, I take it all back. Let's meet with Iran and discuss how we can move forward with them in their effort to wipe Israel off the map.
You know, Chamberlain can at least claim he was duped. Obama can't even claimed that. He's invented a reality he inhabits all by himself where nations that don't even mumble comments about peace are somehow ready for negotiation.
As opposed to, oh, I don't know, a pre-emptive war?
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