Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Peter Pan - a new Metric for Politicians

I am completely exhausted with the endless posts about how this politician or that is hypocritical, stupid, uninformed or just plain wrong. Of course they are. They're doing what they are built to do - promise goodies to the voters in exchange for votes, goodies that will cost the majority of voters less than it would have had the voters bought those goodies for themselves. Naturally, the difference in cost has to be paid for somehow, usually by borrowing money from the Chinese. Politicians try to give us all an extension of our childhood by promising benefits without responsiblity.

With that in mind, I am here to propose a new measurement of political pandering, the Peter Pan.

Curse you, big pharma! I'll lower the price of drugs arbitrarily no matter what you do!

When the Republicans offer to cut taxes and not cut benefits, that's some serious Peter Pans. When the Democrats offer to give everyone health insurance without paying for it, that's big time Peter Panning.

Of course, all of this works only so long as we want an extended childhood. The moment we decide to become grown ups and pay for what we get, Peter Pan dissolves into a puff of smoke.

How sad. I'd miss the little guy. Let's not do that, OK?

1 comment:

Ohioan@Heart said...

So a politcian is a Peter Panderer?

And when the economy stumbles, the Peter Panderers all turn to the audience (us) and ask us if we believe in fairies (stimulous packages)?

I think you've got something here...

The bad guys in other countries would be Capt Hook, and a typical voter plays the role of one of the Darling children.