Sunday, March 16, 2025

Adventures In The Middle East And London

Back when I started this blog, I was a Wall Street Journal Republican. If the Party said it, it was true. If I read it in the WSJ, I believed it. R was good, D was bad.

I still carry a lot of that around with me, but in one respect, I can see now that George W Bush's efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan were not only doomed to fail, but our experts should have known they were doomed to fail.

The Wrong Metrics

In the West, we use metrics like GDP, Per Capita Income, education statistics and the size of our militaries to gauge how well we are doing. We assume everyone else does the same. When we went into Afghanistan and then Iraq, we figured that once we gave the residents elections, electricity, money and schools, they'd fall in love with us. How could they not if we were improving their GDP, Per Capita Income and education statistics?

We didn't bother to look into Islamic culture or the cultural metrics implicit in Islamic imperialism. For more than 1400 years, Islam has pursued its openly stated goal of bringing all people into the Ummah. For the Islamic world, the primary goal is to make all people Muslims. That's 80% of your grade right there. All the rest, including GDP, Per Capita Income and education statistics are just icing on the cake.

We didn't get much cultural purchase in Iraq and Afghanistan and those two countries have now reverted to their means because the people there don't put much value on GDP, Per Capita Income and education statistics.

The British Don't Even Know They're Surrendering

Dig this.

If you don't understand that their metrics for success are global conquest, if you don't see how your metrics are second-order to them, at best, then you become their perfect prey. If your metrics get polluted with cultural Marxism where you see group failure as signs of oppression and you believe that diversity is your strength, you are actively letting them conquer you.

You think they come for the benefits of civilization. In reality, they're coming to irrevocably change you. Your only defense against this attack is to boldly assert your cultural confidence. The Cultural Marxism mindset makes that impossible.

Starmer and his crew, including even most of the Reform Party, are so locked into their metrics of GDP, Per Capita Income and education statistics that they are completely blind to what is happening in plain sight.

Dig this.

The rector at St John's has opened his doors to Muslims because there was not enough space for them to pray in their own mosque and many were forced to worship outside on the street.

The UK is being conquered in the same manner that many other nations have been conquered by Islam. They can't see it because they are culturally myopic. The intelligentsia see only their own metrics and cannot see that not everyone is trying to maximize the same equations.

They don't care about the money or college degrees. They only care that you convert to Islam.

Extra Credit

If you think I'm being hysterical, below is a list of all of the countries which are members of the OIC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation. They aren't all majority-Muslim yet, but if they aren't, there are active, vigorous efforts to make them so.

For extra credit, pick one, just one, that you think will convert to Christianity, secularism or anything else in the next 5 years as England and other Euro states get conquered by Islam.

Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Djibouti, Chad, Indonesia, Morocco, Cote d’Ivoire, Palestine, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Iraq, Iran, Cameroon, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Comoros, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Maldives, Malaysia, Mali, Egypt, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somali, Sudan, Surinam, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Oman, Jordan, Yemen.

Super Special Bonus Content

1 comment:

tim eisele said...

While it is true that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is very large, and wants to get larger still, I think it is worth noting that they haven't added any new members since Cote d'Ivoire joined in 2001 (aside from Russia joining as an observer in 2005).