Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bone-in Roasts And Cowardly Bishops

 We had a dinner party on Sunday because, in December, I'd bought a 3-bone standing rib roast and I wanted to get it out of my freezer to clear up space. We had dinner for 8 and the results were excellent. I used this recipe from Alton Brown. I think this is the fourth time I've done it and it's been a winner every time.

Cowardly Bishops

During dinner, I was sitting with a good friend who is a thoroughgoing lefty and has done work with Catholic Charities. The topic of the migrant invasion of America came up and I made the mistake of saying how I thought that Catholic NGOs and the bishops had flipped us all the bird. They knew we didn't want the illegals in the country and they did it anyway. Then they lectured us about having "respect for the dignity of all people." I've ranted about that before, so I won't repeat it here except to clarify it.

What's good for the illegals is not good for Americans. We have competing interests. Prior to the invasion, you wouldn't have said that the Springfield, Ohio would be improved by the addition of 20,000 Haitians. In fact, the suggestion of dumping that many Haitians into the place would have been met with horror by the residents. 

For the Haitians, just about anywhere on Earth is better than Haiti. America is paradise by comparison. More to the point, an American suffering a currency crisis with 40% inflation, mass unemployment and unrest is still better than Haiti.

The Haitians and the Springfieldians have competing interests. You can choose to support one side or the other, but you are choosing sides. The bishops, and here I'm using the bishops as markers for the whole Catholic NGO ecosystem, talked about human dignity, but that was all cowardice. They made a choice and came down on the side of the Haitians over the Americans.

We are frequently exhorted by our clergy to be brave in standing up for our faith, but here, our prelates were simpering, flaccid wieners. A decent case can be made for favoring the Haitians over Americans. After all, they are just about the neediest people on the planet. The bishops made no such case and instead, tried to use a smokescreen of guilt to keep from having the answer why they shafted their fellow citizens.

Also, it's not just picking the Haitians over us as they came into the country. The bishops also signed us up to pay the Haitians' bills in perpetuity. There's no way their ever going to be revenue-neutral. Maybe 5% of them might get to that point after a couple of decades, but for the most part, they're nothing but boat anchors for a nation that is $36T in debt with $2T annual deficits.

If you're going to be the Quislings who helped the illegals invade the country, at least have the courage and integrity to admit what you've done to the rest of us.

Then you might be able to talk about respecting the dignity of all people. 

We burdened you with massive numbers of indigent illegals because, unlike you, we are filled with love.

1 comment:

tim eisele said...

"The Haitians and the Springfieldians have competing interests."

Do they, though? I looked into what had been up with Springfield, Ohio. Their population peaked at 82,723 in 1960, but then they lost a couple of major employers and their population decreased by 25% to only 60,608 by 2010. The city was *dying*.

The city government went all-out trying to reindustrialize the city, and was having some success bringing in new employers, but ran into a snag that they needed more people to fill those jobs. If they couldn't find people, those employers were going to go away again. And when they launched a campaign to persuade people to come to Springfield, a lot of the people who came were Haitian. The reports I have been seeing is that the companies employing the Haitians are generally happy with them as employees.

The thing is, the influx of Haitians doesn't even seem to be increasing the population, which is estimated to have decreased a bit more to about 58,000 as of 2023.

It doesn't look to me like there is any fundamental conflict going on here. The city needs businesses in order to keep from losing so much of their economy that they no longer have the tax base to maintain the place. The businesses need employees to operate. Those businesses and employees spend money for goods and services that keeps the rest of the city operating. If the Haitians, or someone like them, didn't come to the city, then none of that would happen and they'd all suffer.

Their primary problem seems to be some of their original residents who can't get along with anybody and keep getting into fights with the new neighbors, and a bunch of outsiders sticking in their noses where they weren't invited.
