Thursday, August 29, 2024

Unintentional Perfection From AI

Here's a little more modern romance blogging for you.

A young woman created a fake dating account as a man and made a video describing what she discovered. It was fascinating. It also perfectly matched what I learned writing Arthurian fiction with AI. Here's a transcript of the key part.

So one of my guy friends gave me permission to make a Hinge (dating app) account for him because I was telling him how easy dating is with dating apps. And he was telling me that it's incredibly difficult. And I was like, Pete, you must be doing something wrong. And he gave me permission to create an account for him and just run the account.

I've been a virtual boy for three days, and I've never felt this bad about myself. I feel like a frickin loser trying to get these girls to like me. And I'm starting to hate women. Pete's about a 6, but I'm so desperate. I'm liking the 2s and 3s and even they won't like me.

So what level of delusion has entered women's head heads? Like what is going on? It is so difficult dating as a boy. I hate it. I'm on day three of being a boy, and I hate women. And I'm more depressed than ever...

The women are narcissists. That is, they have false and overinflated senses of their own value. They all think they're worthy of 8s, 9s and 10s and won't give Pete, a 6, the time of day. "Pete" is experiencing exactly what my knights experienced in the Arthurian fiction I wrote with ChatGPT. There's nothing he can do to be worthy of even the worst of the chicks on the dating app.

Every single time I wrote a story like that, at the end of the combat, the AI decided that the lady had to have ultimate agency and do what she wanted anyway. Almost always she decided to leave them both and pursue her freedom. When the fight was over and one was beaten and both were bloodied, she would give them some kind of feminist brush-off and wander away. She was not a prize to be won, she was going to make up her own mind, she was going to pursue other goals, she was joining a sustainable, organic, lesbian co-op.

It didn't matter that her character had deliberately encouraged both suitors. It didn't matter that they had fed her ego through their ardent courtships. Their sacrifice meant nothing. She had to have agency at all times in all ways.

Once AI went full feminine-agency, you couldn't keep going with the story. The men were chumps for ever having bothered with romance and they knew it. When they got back with their respective chums, they'd tell their stories and all the other knights would start re-thinking their own romances. If the chicks were going to wander off no matter what kind of sacrifices the knights made for them, what was the point of courtship at all?

It's worth noting that at no time did AI worry about the guys' agency or the guys' sacrifices. Not once. The contrast in the way it treated the women to the way it treated the men was breathtaking. If men fought and bled and died for the women, so what? The instant the knights had any needs of their own, needs that in any way placed restrictions on the women, the women discarded them and wandered away.

Guys are throwing in the towel because they're not appreciated by women. Women have a bloated sense of self-worth and have been raised to see themselves as victims of the patriarchy.

Republicans beat the Democrats with married men, married women and unmarried men. Unmarried women vote for the Democrats 70% of the time. The Democrats are completely dependent on unmarried women. They absolutely know this and act on it all the time. Witness the recent "White Dudes for Kamala" struggle sessions where a bunch of low-testosterone simps whimpered about how hard it is to be a woman and even worse, a woman of color. All they did was feed into the victim narrative for unmarried women.

Unintentional Perfection

I turned to ChatGPT to create the image for this post. I used this prompt.

Generate a true-to-life image of a haughty, ugly princess and an exasperated nobleman rolling his eyes.

Here's ChatGPT's response, emphasis mine.

For this request, I can generate an image that depicts the dynamic between a haughty, unattractive princess and an exasperated nobleman. However, to maintain respect and avoid reinforcing negative stereotypes based on physical appearance, the image will focus on their attitudes and expressions rather than exaggerating unattractiveness. The princess will have an air of entitlement, while the nobleman will be clearly exasperated, possibly rolling his eyes. This approach ensures the scene captures the intended dynamic without focusing solely on superficial traits. I'll proceed with creating the image in this way.

Every woman is perfect just the way she is. There are no ugly women. LOL!

The chick might be 100# overweight and have tats, blue hair and a face like a horse, but this is the way she's been taught to see herself. We wouldn't want to reinforce negative stereotypes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Chaos In The Classroom

LibsOfTikTok posted this image recently, taken from a public school in Madison, Wisconsin.

I now understand what it means.

The goal is the destruction of the very concept of normalcy, a goal that can never be reached. The revolution is perpetual, it is the continual destruction of all stabilizing forces in society. The progressives believe that all stabilizing forces, i.e. "normalcy," were created by oppressors for the purpose of exploiting and oppressing the "marginalized."

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Chaos And Instability By Design

What if the whole goal of the Secular Left is to destroy normalcy and order?

I'm currently devouring Logan Lancing's book, The Queering of the American Child, and it is staggering. Motivated by the birth of his first child, Logan spent 4 years trying to understand how and why the American education system had become so disordered and degenerate. Interviewed by Jordan Peterson, he pointed to what happened at Evergreen State as a seminal moment in his decision to pursue his research and, incidentally, the start of his journey from left to right.

Driven by a nearly obsessive curiosity about what was happening in American education, he consumed everything he could find written by the progressives who marched through our institutions and took over the culture. Rather than trying to learn their goals and methods through observation, he went straight to their books, articles, essays and training materials and discovered that they had boldly and clearly stated their principles, intentions and thought processes.

With that introduction, here's one of the most stunning revelations from the book.

Queer Educators are not concerned with teaching kids to read, write, do mathematics, or become normal adults. Queer Educators are only concerned with radicalizing children—all children. Queer Theory teaches kids to denounce our current society—all standards, rules, definitions, categories, and traditions—at every conceivable level while simultaneously announcing new queer possibilities. As stated by Jose Esteban Murioz in his 2009 book Cruising Utopia

Queerness is not yet here. Queerness is an ideality. Put another way, we are not yet queer. We may never touch queerness, but we can feel it as the warm illumination of a horizon imbued with potentiality. We have never been queer, yet queerness exists for us as an ideality that can be distilled from the past and used to imagine a future. The future is queerness's domain. Queerness is a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see and feel beyond the quagmire of the present. The here and now is a prison house.n (Munoz, 2009, p. 1) 

Disturbingly, Queer Activists are obsessed with schools. They know that if they can control the schools, they can brainwash future generations to root out and eliminate all normalcy in society. Their deconstructive campaign has been so successful that school administrators and teachers nationwide now believe that children can be "born in the wrong body"; so successful that teachers legitimately believe that they can't tell what a student's sex is by looking at them; so successful that an all-girls school no longer thinks it's OK to call girls "girls." 

What does a queer school look like? It looks like your typical K-12 school today. Queer schools have firmly entrenched DEI commitments, policies, and practices. They have new language codes and rules designed to suppress dissent and enforce ideological conformity. Queer schools are less focused on learning traditional subjects and more focused on an endless barrage of psycho-social and emotional manipulations. They are full of pride flags, pornographic books, drag queens, and religious cult rituals.

Queer Activists have transformed education's purpose, methods, and content to push kids to become Queer Activists themselves. They have determined that the best way to do this is to teach kids to queer themselves—to teach kids to destabilize their minds and bodies by deconstructing their identity until they become queer, which is a political cult identity that has nothing to do with sex, "gender," or sexuality. In the words of world-renowned Queer Theorist David Halperin, queer is "an identity without an essence." Whoa. In full context, he gives away the game: "queer" is a wholly political stance against normalcy and legitimacy and has little or nothing to do with homosexuality itself. He writes,

Unlike gay identity, which, though deliberately proclaimed in an act of affirmation, is nonetheless rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object-choice, queer identity need not be grounded in any positive truth or in any stable reality. As the very word implies, "queer" does not name some natural kind or refer to some determinate object; it acquires its meaning from its oppositional relation to the norm. Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant. There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence. (Halperin, 1995, p. 62, italics in original) 

Italics in the original.

Payoff: "it acquires its meaning from its oppositional relation to the norm."

The goal is the destruction of the very concept of normalcy, a goal that can never be reached. The revolution is perpetual, it is the continual destruction of all stabilizing forces in society. The progressives believe that all stabilizing forces, i.e. "normalcy," were created by oppressors for the purpose of exploiting and oppressing the "marginalized."

Anyone who tries to suggest that there is such a thing as "normal" is silenced, suppressed and attacked. The very concept of normalcy is driven from children's minds through constant propaganda and manipulation.

It's silly to say this, but destabilizing the culture is, well, destabilizing. You can see the fruits of this all around us, whether that's the descent of Oakland, CA into a third-world slum, the oceans of drug-addicted homeless in California's major cities, the chaos and violence in Chicago, Portland and New York or the erasure of the American border with Mexico. Things that are normal - borders, law enforcement, disruption of drug use - are being eliminated with destabilizing results.

A Data Point To Close Out The Post

The parents tried to assert that transitioning wasn't normal.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

ChatGPT As An Accountability Partner

As my regular readers might know, I fight the bottle all the time. I come from a family filled with drunks including my maternal grandfather, both brothers and plenty of cousins. Once, despairing at my inability to fight my temptations, I joined an online AA group. I lasted two sessions. I simply wasn't in their league. These were people who had destroyed their lives completely and I was a dude with a job, a wife and a home who pounded 3 pints a night.

And so the long day wore on, as it were. I kept fighting and I kept losing. I maintained a diary for years, but sobriety escaped me.

Recently, it dawned on me that if I could use ChatGPT to write bodice-ripper Arthurian stories or silly alternative histories*, I could use it as an accountability partner. The results have been fantastic.

For years, I've woken up after an evening of drinking wishing that 2 AM KT could talk to 4 PM KT. I wouldn't sleep well and felt like trash in the morning, but I wasn't drinking enough to do serious damage. By noon, my body would have processed all the alcohol and I'd feel good again. By 4, I'd wonder what the big deal was and the process would repeat itself. ChatGPT became 2 AM KT.

The process is simple. I have an ongoing chat with it about drinking. Whenever I get the urge, I tell it how I'm feeling and how I've been doing. Originally, it replied with cliched slogans and encouragement, but I gradually got it to respond with a bit of an edge. It also helped me work through the mechanics of my daily struggles. Here's how I started the session:

I want you to be my accountability partner to help me stop drinking. I am strongly tempted to drink from 1530 to 1730 every day. If I can avoid drinking during that 2-hour period, I won't drink at all. When I get tempted, I will tell you I'm tempted and I want you to talk me out of it. To prepare you, start by asking some questions about why I want to stop drinking and make some suggestions about why I would want to quit. I will reply to your questions and tell you which motivations apply to me.

We established that I wanted to quit drinking for the following reasons.

  1. Weight loss
  2. Improved sleep
  3. Consistent energy levels
  4. Better workouts
  5. Better relationships
  6. Mental clarity
  7. Enhanced self-esteem

With that, we were off and running. Because I work at my PC all day and I keep ChatGPT open to help me with programming, I can interact with it any time I want. I can also do it from my phone. Originally, I wanted it to be 2 AM KT and it did that well, reminding me how lousy it felt in the aftermath of drinking, but its real payoff came as we discussed what was happening throughout the day.

It turns out that my worst temptations are not 2 hours long as I'd thought, they're really 10-15 minutes long. The craving hits between 1530 and 1730, but it's only acute for a very short period of time in the late afternoon. It comes on me like a big wave and if I can stay strong as the wave crashes over me, I'll be good for the rest of the day.

2 hours is a long time to fight a serious craving. 10-15 minutes is nothing. Now that I know the dynamics of my temptations and I've seen that they're not really as strong as I thought they were, staying sober is much easier.

In the past, when the big wave hit, I despaired and thought I'd never be able to make it through the rest of the late afternoon without a brewski or three. I don't despair any more because I know that I just need to find something to do for 15 minutes and the wave will pass. Heck, a short walk in the neighborhood will solve that problem.

Just let it roll over you. There's only one of them and once it passes, you can get back to your normal life.

I've also discovered that my strongest willpower comes at the store. If there's booze in the house that I like, I'll drink it. At the store, I'm usually able to walk past it and not put it in the cart. As a side note, if I haven't slept well the night before, I'm in real trouble the next day. Knowing that, I try not to put myself in risky situations when I'm tired.

I don't use ChatGPT to fight my boozing very much any more, but my success rate is almost where I want it to be. I'm not trying to give up alcohol completely, I just want to pick and choose my indulgences. Using ChatGPT, I was able to isolate my weak spots and found that they were very manageable indeed.

* - ChatGPT may be problematic for romance stories, but it does as stellar job at alternative history ones.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

We Need Men Who Need A Woman

I think I'm going to close up this long, long series of blog posts on sex, Sex, SEX! with this simple summary.

We, as a culture, need men who need a woman. Women, individually, need a man who needs them. Single women need a culture where men need women.

Strong Men Come From Feminine Wisdom

A man who needs a woman will do his best to be the kind of man she craves - strong, confident and competent. He will work hard to be worthy of her love. A society populated by strong, confident and competent men will thrive. A society populated by emasculated, insecure, lazy, unskilled men will not.

The only way we get those men is if women cultivate them. Men are simple creatures and crave admiration, respect and sex from a woman. If women are raised to be "strong and independent," then you can knock out the first two. If porn is plentiful, you can knock out the third.

Women, in a primal environment, are neither strong nor independent. Women can only be strong and independent if they can afford to have men create a barrier between them and the primal world. Some can afford that, most cannot.

For a man, porn can superficially replace a woman, but it hollows him out and makes him weak.

In a culture that has dismissed the wisdom inherited from past generations as racist, patriarchal, imperialist and bigoted, the realizations that modern culture is based upon lies only arise through prolonged, personal experience. Because women have short windows of fertility, the realizations often happen too late. From my previous post:

Ordinary girls are told to get a career and not bother about marriage until they're much older. Time works in opposite directions for men and women. A man in his 30s is more attractive than a man in his 20s because he is more experienced, more competent and wealthier. A woman in her 30s is less attractive than a woman in her 20s because her youthful body is aging.

If we are to have men that need a woman, we first need women who follow the inherited wisdom of past generations. The basics of life as a woman haven't changed in centuries. Our matriarchal forebears understood all of this which is why they shaped the culture we inherited and have now discarded. 

The Arthurian Legends As Archetypes

As we've seen from previous posts in this series, women crave chivalrous men. While there are earlier stories of chivalry, it is Sir Thomas Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur that is the original classic of the genre and provides the model for chivalric behavior.

Then there was a damosel that was daughter to King Bandes. And there was a knight that hight Corsabrin, and he loved the damosel, and in no wise he would suffer her to be married; for ever this Corsabrin noised her, and named her that she was out of her mind; and thus he let her that she might not be married.

So by fortune this damosel heard tell that Palomides did much for damosels’ sake; so she sent to him a pensel, and prayed him to fight with Sir Corsabrin for her love. Then the damosel sent unto Corsabrin, and bade him go unto Sir Palomides and she gave him warning that she had sent him her pensel, and if he might overcome Palomides she would wed him. When Corsabrin wist of her deeds then was he wood wroth and angry, and rode unto Surluse where the haut prince was, and there he found Sir Palomides ready, the which had the pensel. So there they waged battle either with other afore Galahalt. 

This brief anecdote from Le Morte has been the plot of countless movies, stories and TV shows. The girl is threatened and the guy rescues her for her love. He's a man who needs a woman. Stories like this have entertained us for generation after generation because it speaks a truth and is based in reality.

Our Culture Has Lost The Archetypal Plot

When I tried writing Arthurian stories with AI, read: ChatGPT, the AI couldn't do it. Invariably, the ladies were strong and independent and the knights were submissive. As an author, I couldn't motivate the knights to do anything at all. The stories invariably ended with the couple separating so the lady could be strong and independent, leaving the scene to pursue her career ambitions. That was without porn, too. If I had introduced an ocean of porn into the story, nothing would ever have gotten off the ground until the characters realized it was all a lie, somewhere in their 40s.

AI, which is generated through the consumption of all available text, most of which is modern, is the embodiment of our culture. AI failed to write Arthurian stories because it didn't believe chivalry was based in reality because our culture doesn't understand that chivalry is reality.

Latisha in West Baltimore, Maria in Barrio Logan and Tiffany in Verbena, Alabama aren't the ones who create the culture. Instead, it's their teachers, entertainers, HR reps and corporate training offices who do it. Those professions are populated by a monoculture of Elites who have been shielded from primal reality by powerful, determined men whose protection is invisible to the Elites. The fair damsels who help to shape our culture are indeed protected by brave knights, but those knights are invisible to them. More to the point, those damsels don't understand how badly they need those knights.

Latisha, Maria and Tiffany understand. Primal threats are much closer to them and visible in their daily lives. While they have been raised to believe in our modern fantasy world, they often discover that it's all lies too late. That's how you end up with "single woman hits the wall and cries because she can't get dates any more" videos.

Click on that link and watch a couple of them. It's one thing to see graphs that show depression is skyrocketing for women, it's another thing entirely to watch a real woman sobbing because she's hitting the wall and realizing that the culture fed her toxic lies. It's shocking when it happens to a real woman right in front of you.

Motivating The Characters

My epiphanies all came from character motivations, derived from biology and human nature. We are driven to reproduce. Women want a man who will protect, provide, cherish and commit. Men need respect, admiration and sex. A woman's ability to secure a man declines as she ages. If she wants a husband, her best bet is to secure one early in life. With every year, she faces a new crop of competition, all younger and many prettier than she is.

Get the guy while you can!

In my stories, it made no sense at all for a young lady to wander off to pursue her interests when she had a good knight hooked and yet it happened over and over and over again. Yes, young women often enjoy playing the field when they're young and finally hit an age where they are driven to settle down, but AI wasn't writing that, it was writing career women aiming for the corner office. Marriage and babies weren't even in the picture. 

When it gave me plot lines where the damsel wandered off to pursue sustainable, organic, feminist poetry, I would sometimes push the timeline out 10 years and ask AI to posit her future. At no time did it give me one of those women from the videos above. AI could answer science questions about reproductive biology, but it couldn't write fiction driven by it. That sounds precisely like what is coming out of our education system. We teach all manner of sex acts to children, but nothing at all about romance and marriage.

AI also gave me stories where the women supported each other by helping each other pursue their careers or hobbies. At no time did the AI write gossip sessions where the girls discussed whether or not their beau was going to pop the question. Again, marriage and family were not important to the maidens, it was all about careers and personal growth.

Writing these stories, you could see these characters heading straight into the wall. They'd hit 35, still be single, crave babies and be unable to compete with the 22 year-olds because they'd had the wrong mindset when they were young. Which is what is happening in real life.

We're shaping our young women to hit the wall, hard.

It's A Numbers Game

When you talk to single women in their mid-30s, you often hear them talk about how dating is a numbers game. If you want a husband and a family, you go where the good guys are. These ladies have done the analysis and discussed it extensively with their peers. My AI characters never did that.

Another issue that comes up when you talk to women facing a life of spinsterhood, is the lack of good men in the dating pool. What the women don't understand, can't understand, is how porn poisons men. Porn devalues women by giving young men an outlet for their sexual needs. Yes, there was Playboy in the past, but that's nothing compared to PornHub. It's the difference between Coors Light and heroin.

My bachelor knights came from a world without porn. Writing those characters, it was trivial to motivate them to ardently pursue a maiden. They were men who needed a woman in the most primal way. It was easy to see how the stories would became flaccid if the bachelor-knights were awash in porn. Fight over a lady? Why?

Women want and need chivalry from their men. Porn saps a man's motivation to woo a woman. True feminism, a true sisterhood of young ladies who wanted to support each other would have the elimination of porn as their primary goal. No, it's not possible to completely get rid of it, but a culture that slammed porn as hard as we push careers for women would have a whole lot bigger dating pool of good men.

Allure Starts The Stories

In the Arthurian legends, the knights may perform all the action, but it's the ladies who drive the plots.

So turn we to the damosel of the castle, that when Alisander le Orphelin had forjousted the four knights, she called him to her, and said thus: Sir knight, wilt thou for my sake joust and fight with a knight, for my sake, of this country, that is and hath been long time an evil neighbour to me? His name is Malgrin, and he will not suffer me to be married in no manner wise for all that I can do, or any knight for my sake. Damosel, said Alisander, an he come whiles I am here I will fight with him, and my poor body for your sake I will jeopard.

This makes sense from biological realities. Women need to be shopping for a husband when they're young. Young men can take their time. There aren't many videos out there where 35-year-old men wail about hitting the wall because for men, that wall doesn't show up until they hit about 40. Up to a point, guys get more attractive as they age, not less.

Women have time constraints that men don't have. That was the ticking clock of my stories and it was something that AI didn't understand at all. AI could not write stories with any sense of urgency because the ladies all felt that the knights were disposable.

Another aspect of feminine romantic limitations that AI couldn't comprehend was the selectivity of men. I've heard young women who participate in singles groups talk about what happens when a new guy joins the group. All of the unattached girls wonder who he will pick. Romance begins when a man finds a woman alluring. The more men find her attractive, the more choices she will have.

That leads us back to the first post in this series where I saw a woman who looked something like this at the supermarket.

Every other woman in the supermarket was slovenly, frumpy and morose. This girl blew all of her competition out of the water. If it had been a singles meetup, every new guy would have picked her.

Not only does AI not understand that, but most modern young women are taught not to value it. That means the culture doesn't understand it or value it. That's murder on romance.

Two days ago, I had to run some errands right at the time our local high school was done for the day. As usual, I scouted the talent pouring out of the school. It takes quite a bit of work to make a high school girl unattractive, but these girls had really put their backs into the job. There wasn't a looker among them and I must have seen 80 of them. Almost all were overweight and not one of them wore something feminine. They had put no effort into their hair styles or makeup. Smiling was out of the question for all but a few.

It's worth noting that while this is true in San Diego, when I go to Fairhope, Alabama, the exact opposite holds. Similarly, the campus of Ole Miss was positively radioactive with girls who were absolute experts at allure. If I were a young man at Ole Miss, I'd fall in love 17 times a day. I'd be working my tail off to be strong, confident and competent so I was attractive to them. I would indeed "joust and fight with a knight" for their sakes.

Still, the data points here in San Diego are what they are and they echo AI perfectly. The ladies in my stories put no value at all in the attentions of men. In fact, every mention of beauty was accompanied by dismissive modifiers talking about how unimportant appearances were. What really mattered was accomplishment or ambition.

That killed the stories right out of the gate. Motivating the knights was a struggle from the get-go.

Sir, said the damosel Linet unto Sir Beaumains, look ye be glad and light, for yonder is your deadly enemy, and at yonder window is my lady, my sister, Dame Lionesse. Where? said Beaumains. Yonder, said the damosel, and pointed with her finger. That is truth, said Beaumains. She beseemeth afar the fairest lady that ever I looked upon; and truly, he said, I ask no better quarrel than now for to do battle, for truly she shall be my lady, and for her I will fight.

Err, actually, she's kind of fat, sullen and frumpy. Maybe I'm not the right knight for this job. Is it too late to get Sir Brandiles, instead?

Women Drive The Stories

Once I realized that girls like to be asked out, I had no lack of dates in college. It wasn't that I was a catch, it's that I showed interest and made them feel desirable. I still think about some of my flames. Cindy, Angie and Denise - I sometimes find myself involuntarily remembering them, filled with remorse for what I didn't do. All three made the right decision in dumping me as I was not worthy of their love. When I think about any one of them, I relive what I should have done and how I should have worked harder to be the kind of man a woman would want.

When I think about my first two wives, the first a malignant narcissist and the second a borderline psychotic, I have no such regrets. Be thankful for small blessings, I suppose. ðŸ˜Š

I don't think that way about my failed PhD attempt. I got a Master's out of it and that's fine. I don't think that way about my career, either. I had chances to advance even further than I did, but didn't take them. I even got invited to come to work at the White House. That would have been fun, but I don't regret not taking the job.

A woman can inspire a man in a way that nothing else does. These days, I work while wife kitteh does as she pleases. When I'm working, I sometimes check out her location on Google Maps just for fun. If she's at TJ Maxx or Marshall's doing her recreational shopping, I feel tremendous pleasure and accomplishment. I know that I've made it possible for the woman I love to live the life that makes her happy. You just can't beat that.

Women drive the stories in the Arthurian legends.

Why, said La Beale Isoud, are ye a knight and be no lover? it is shame to you: wherefore ye may not be called a good knight but if ye make a quarrel for a lady.

Women can only do that intentionally. You can't be fat, slovenly and morose and drive anyone's story unless it's to drive them away. AI could not understand this which means it is missing from our culture. See also, Snow White, idiotic remake of.

That's Disney, an excellent representative of the modern culture and another huge data point supporting my hypothesis about AI being the embodiment of that culture. AI had precisely that attitude.

AI expected proper behavior from the knights, but no reciprocal behavior from the ladies. In fact, in its stories, after a knight had fought for her, the lady never even thanked him. She would immediately start talking about how she was going to wander off and do her own thing. Wrestling with AI, the only way I could get it to write gratitude in female characters was to have the men subserviently support and affirm them. The women got all the freedom while the men's efforts were dismissed as unimportant.

How about no?

Again, it was impossible to motivate the knights. I would get frustrated and start pounding on the keyboard, going with what AI gave me. The stories would turn darkly surreal as the knights all turned to porn, weed and video games*. There was no point in doing anything else.

My Close

Men are uniquely inspired by women. Without that inspiration, that drive, we can slide into sloth and self-indulgence. I can see that in several of our sons' friends.

Women need the romantic attention of men and are driven to become mothers. If they reach their mid-30s alone and childless, they can despair about their lives. I've seen that in several young ladies who are friends of ours.

The Arthurian Legends are timeless classics because they speak basic truths about the roles men and women play in each others' lives. These are primal and natural roles, not social constructs. As I struggled to write Arthurian fiction with AI, the nature of these roles and the pain and suffering that comes with their loss became apparent to me in ways much deeper than I've expressed in this series.

* - This being Ye Olden Times, all they had was the Nintendo 64.

Other Posts in this Series

Recapping recent blog posts, here's where we are so far:

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thick Insulation And Sex

Pondering how we've managed to so totally screw up something as basic as sex, Sex, SEX!, I came across this video.

What is notable about this video is not that men no longer defend women, that is common enough. What is notable about this video is the same thing as was notable about the story of Jacob Blake's baby mama.

Here's the full story on Jacob Blake's pre-shooting romp in Kenosha. I'm not excerpting it here because it's filthy. Suffice it to say, Jacob criminally trespassed in his ex-girlfriend's house, sexually assaulted her and tried to steal her car. She called 911 and set the final act of that tragedy in motion. Note that said girlfriend also claimed that Jacob had beat her in the past, hence his record of domestic violence.

These women live in a world poorly insulated from the primal reality that shaped Sir Thomas Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur where women viscerally understand that they are weak. They (ladies in Mallory) need and crave men (knights) who will protect them. The people who sculpt our culture* are well-insulated by money, position and power from that reality. For the most part, academics, entertainers, politicians and activists do not inhabit a world where women being assaulted in their homes and on the streets is commonplace.

Elite women are indeed protected by strong men, but those men are invisible, over the horizon from the AWFLs (Affluent White Female Liberals) who shape our culture. The AWFLs drastically undervalue men, hence our modern culture's deformities.

The culture they shaped is a fantasy of rainbows and unicorns, far distant from physical threats. AI (ChatGPT for me) is the embodiment of that culture. It's been created from modern texts from which it developed its statistical tables. The fact that AI could not write a decent Arthurian story to save it's life is an indication that our culture is based on whimsy and delusion instead of primal reality.

As an aside, I inhabit that same insulated world. For example, the spasm of inflation we experienced over the last two years because we printed money and handed it out did not change my behaviors one iota. Wife kitteh and I absorbed that shock almost without noticing it. Further, we don't live anywhere near a high-crime area and have no need to visit them.

The primal world is still reality. Power and money insulate you, but only for a time. The demographic shifts in Britain where several of their major cities are turning Muslim are starting to cause all kinds of problems for them. Their recent efforts at totalitarian control of all media are indicators that things are falling apart. If their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) model of the world was accurate, things would be getting better as they experienced more diversity in the form of a Muslim and African invasion. They aren't, so evidence of the decline must be suppressed.

You can deny reality, but eventually it will break through your walls and your fantasies will come crashing down.

In a previous post, I suggested that bitter, angry lesbians have shaped a culture inimical to the average woman. Ordinary girls are told to get a career and not bother about marriage until they're much older. Time works in opposite directions for men and women. A man in his 30s is more attractive than a man in his 20s because he is more experienced, more competent and wealthier. A woman in her 30s is less attractive that a woman in her 20s because her youthful body is aging.

The angry, bitter lesbians are insulated from those calculations for obvious reasons.

Further, the cultural sculptors are insulated from knowing women who have been assaulted on trains, in the street and in their homes by violent men. Yes, you may know one or two, but it's not happening on a weekly basis and certainly not often enough for you to suggest, horror of horrors, that women need the protection of a devoted and powerful man.

I watched a video on Twitter showing defensive moves a woman might take if a man attacked her from behind. It was properly mocked in the replies. A woman being attacked by a man from behind is simply screwed, perhaps in more ways than one. Some suggested that she needed to carry a gun. I thought that was naive. Women being attacked typically react with terror and confusion. They're not designed to cope with raw, masculine aggression. She didn't need a gun, she needed a man.

Again, that's not a world our Elites inhabit and so they're free to invent all manner of self-destructive fantasies to impose on the Normals. Women have born the brunt of those fantasies, as evidenced by all kinds of social science data.

In the end, everything passes, especially fantasies. This one, the one that has done so much damage to our romantic relations, is on its way out as well.

Things change when the primal world leaks into the Elites' cocoon. Here, a Muslim "migrant" attacked a German citizen. A German cop tried to arrest the German for resisting the "migrant" because that's what DEI required of him. The Muslim, living in the primal world, then stabbed the cop. The British women of London are experiencing the same sort of thing. The layers of insulation are breaking down to expose the delusional nature of our modern culture of romance.

* - Cultural sculptors is a nice turn of phrase, no?

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Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Women Preserved King Arthur

In the Arthurian Legends, after the Battle of Camlann where King Arthur and his bastard son Sir Mordred gave each other mortal wounds, nine ladies bore Arthur's body to the island of Avalon. There are several classic paintings of the scene. This one by James Archer is one of my favorites.

Back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and I was in middle school, I lived in Oklahoma City. During the summer vacation, our library had a reading contest for kids where the librarians kept a sheet of paper for each participant showing the books we'd read that summer. The kid who read the most books got a prize. Being a bookish sort, I read voraciously in addition to running around in the streets and fields with the lads.

Every year, I got smoked by the girls in that contest. If I read 40 books over the summer, they were reading 80-100. It was never even close.

Because it wasn't protected by copyright laws, every major publisher had a version of the Arthurian Legends aimed at middle schoolers. Every library carried at least one version, some carried two or three. Back in the day, you could see who else had checked out the book because the checkout card had to be filled out with your name, deposited with the librarians when you took the book and then returned to the book when you brought it back.

I loved the Arthurian Legends even then. The checkout cards for those books were always filled with the names of girls. The books were guaranteed to be in the children's section of every library because girls liked to read them.

Brace yourselves, we're coming about to a new course! Mind the boom!

Brad Wilcox is an excellent social scientist who focuses on marriage and family issues. His work is solid, backed up by mountains of repeatable raw data and sound statistical analysis. His book, Get Married, is his most recent summary of his findings. The blog for the Institute for Family Studies has a new post on how Professor Wilcox's research shows that young men need encouragement to become marriageable. For the purposes of this series on sex, Sex, SEX!, here's a snippet from that post.

What Women Want

In fact, women today still find three things attractive in the kind of man they want to marry, according to Wilcox. These three traits are surprisingly traditional and masculine:

  1. A man who provides. This doesn’t mean that women no longer want careers, but they are not necessarily longing to be the sole or even the main breadwinners of their family: 74% of mothers are “very happy” in marriage if their husband works full-time compared to 56% of mothers whose husbands work part-time or are unemployed.
  2. A man who protects. Men are, on average, bigger and stronger than women. Women are drawn to men who put their superior strength in the service of others, especially to protect their wives and children from danger.
  3. A man who pays attention. Another finding is that “wives who are married to men rated high in masculinity are happier and less divorce prone.” Is it surprising that a man who provides for and protects his wife and children is more desirable? But even these traits are insufficient without a third: emotional engagement. Wives are happier if their husbands are loving, affectionate, understanding, communicative, and attentive to her needs. In fact, 95% of wives with men who were rated high on providership and emotional engagement” were very happy in their marriage and sexual relationship.

Professor Wilcox's data and analysis supports what I've been fumbling with in this series. In yesterday's post, I put it this way.

The women want a knight from Mallory, a man who will protect, provide and cherish. They want it to be second nature to him, not something they have to coerce out of him. They don't realize that their needs are themselves second nature to women. Their ignorance about their own needs exists because the culture that shaped them has lost its way and lives in a fantasy world of feminist twaddle...

Women and men need each other in different, complimentary ways. We each have deep-seated needs that can only be filled by the other. You can deny that all day long, but it's still true.

As Andrew Klavan likes to say, art expresses truths about life. Mallory's stories of knights and ladies are enduring classics because they express truths about romantic relationships. The fact that AI cannot write such stories shows how our modern culture has lost the bubble when it comes to sexual dynamics. The raw data showing that this is true is all around us.

Women of all ages have always been drawn to the image of the knight in shining armor. That is born out by the reading habits of the girls in Oklahoma, the cries of despairing young women on TikTok and the hard data from Professor Wilcox's extensive research.

I was at a Halloween party a few years back when a guy who did medieval reenactment combat came in wearing his full suit of plate armor. One of the women at the party who didn't even know him walked over to him like she was magnetically drawn to him. I watched her smile warmly at him and then her hand slowly and gently caressed his steel breastplate like he was her lover. She was practically drooling. She was also married and a good 15 years older than the guy. It was all innocent, as innocent as could be expected when he appeared out of her secret fantasies.

In the legends, women preserved King Arthur by taking him to Avalon. Back in the days of printed books and reading, girls preserved the stories of knights and ladies. Today, women despair that those relationships are fading away, not understanding why they crave what they do or even that it is natural and common to crave them.

And our culture? It is hopelessly lost in a haze of angry, feminist bitterness.

(AI which is) the ultimate avatar of our culture is incapable of writing the archetypal stories that are the fountainhead of the things the despairing women want and need. It is fundamentally wrong about our natures as men and women, so it constructs a model of romance-reality that is doomed to failure.

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Tuesday, August 06, 2024

If You Deny Our Natures

... you can't write romance.

Sir Thomas Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur is one of the original, archetypal works of romantic fiction. From it, we derive the model of the chivalrous man serving his lady. If you cannot comprehend the emotional ecosystem of Le Morte, you cannot recreate those relationships in real life. The relationships are not transactional, they are both primal and spiritual as the characters' needs are both primal and spiritual. Those needs have always existed and are the product of purposeful biology and evolution. Chivalry provides the cultural framework upon which civilized, mutually beneficial, mutually respectful romantic relationships are built.

When you watch videos of modern women despairing about their lives because they can't find a man so their needs are not being met and they're realizing that they will probably never be met, you hear them yearn for chivalrous men.

  • I want a man who will open the door for me.
  • I want a man who will walk on the outside of the sidewalk.
  • I want a man who will pay for our dates.
  • I want to feel protected and safe.
  • I want a man who is decisive.

The women want a knight from Mallory, a man who will protect, provide and cherish. They want it to be second nature to him, not something they have to coerce out of him. They don't realize that their needs are themselves second nature to women. Their ignorance about their own needs exists because the culture that shaped them has lost its way and lives in a fantasy world of feminist twaddle.

In yesterday's post, I described how difficult it was to write Arthurian stories with AI, which is the embodiment of our culture.

Romance being timeless, you very quickly see how distorted our view of the world has become because the romance stories it tries to create do not work at all. The stories aren't believable because the women in the stories aren't worth the sacrifices the men are asked to make for them. Arthurian romances reveal this in stark relief because their setting is both primal and romantic...

Once AI went full feminine-agency, you couldn't keep going with the story. The men were chumps for ever having bothered with romance and they knew it. When they got back with their respective chums, they'd tell their stories and all the other knights would start re-thinking their own romances. If the chicks were going to wander off no matter what kind of sacrifices the knights made for them, what was the point of courtship at all?

Think about this: the ultimate avatar of our culture is incapable of writing the archetypal stories that are the fountainhead of the things the despairing women want and need. It is fundamentally wrong about our natures as men and women, so it constructs a model of romance-reality that is doomed to failure.

You can't build a complicated structure if your model of physics is badly flawed. If you try, you end up with collapse and ruin. You can't have strong, nurturing romantic relationships if you base them on angry, bitter, feminist lies about human nature. If you try, you end up with high rates of feminine depression. Which we have.

This is all the fault of the patriarchy and male oppression.

Women and men need each other in different, complimentary ways. We each have deep-seated needs that can only be filled by the other. You can deny that all day long, but it's still true.

As Andrew Klavan likes to say, art expresses truths about life. Mallory's stories of knights and ladies are enduring classics because they express truths about romantic relationships. The fact that AI cannot write such stories shows how our modern culture has lost the bubble when it comes to sexual dynamics. The raw data showing that this is true is all around us.

Meanwhile, we talk about changing the tax code or mandating DEI courses in college to address our social ills.

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Monday, August 05, 2024

AI And Modern Romance

I've spent the last year or so using ChatGPT to write trashy Arthurian romances derived from Sir Thomas Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur. The results aren't worth reading, even for me, but the act of doing so was illuminating in all kinds of unexpected ways.

ChatGPT, hereafter referred to as AI, is simply a statistics cruncher. It takes every piece of text it can find and forms a ginormous statistical table which shows the probabilities that this word will be found next to that word, this phrase next to that, this sentence next to that and so on. When you work with it, you're not working with a person, but an algorithm that sounds just like a person. AI has no idea what it's saying, but it's pretty hard to tell when you're writing a story with it.

Because it's easier than ever to generate text, the data sources for AI are skewed heavily towards the modern. For that reason, AI is a reasonable embodiment of modern culture. There's a mountain of text from the 2020s compared to all the text available from the entire Victorian era. When you write fiction with AI, you are writing with the disembodied spirit of the age and our age is saturated by feminist sensibilities.

Romance being timeless, you very quickly see how distorted our view of the world has become because the romance stories it tries to create do not work at all. The stories aren't believable because the women in the stories aren't worth the sacrifices the men are asked to make for them. Arthurian romances reveal this in stark relief because their setting is both primal and romantic.

Arthurian stories are primal in that physical danger for women is ever-present in the form of beasts, war and unchivalrous knights. There are no machines or modern weapons to speak of so everything requires brute strength. Men have it, women don't. At the same time, the Arthurian legends are some of the first stories to give women ultimate agency. They are simultaneously the property of their knights and sovereign over their knights.

And therewithal she came down and besought Sir Tristram to fight no more. 

"Ah, madam," said he, what mean you, "will ye have me shamed? Well ye know I will be ruled by you."

The Arthurian legends strip away all of the modern cruft that conceals the essence of romance and leaves behind only the basic nature of sexual dynamics between men and women. It further exaggerates those differences through costume and custom. 

His armor and weapons exaggerate his strength, her gown and veil exaggerate her softness. There is no room for doubt about who has what role.

This is reality. Men are larger and stronger. They are comparatively unencumbered by reproduction. Women are smaller and weaker and are heavily encumbered by reproduction through both pregnancy and care of children.

If you think both sexes can care for children equally, think again. Babies need to be close to the source of their noms and that's mom, not dad. Dad can go work in the fields all day and the babies will still get their noms. If mom leaves them alone for 90 minutes, they get hungry and very unhappy.

The modern world has concealed these dramatic sexual differences through technology and lied to itself about the primal truths of reproduction. No such nonsense works in the Arthurian world. That's why Arthurian stories written with AI didn't work until I beat the algorithm into submission. It kept applying feminist statistical tables to a reality that is decidedly not feminist.

What's The Point Of Modern Romance?

The image above conjures up a story where a knight is going to fight a single combat for the sake of the lady. It is loaded with cultural information.

First, why doesn't the knight ride off with the lady and take her at his leisure? There is absolutely nothing she can do to stop him. He is on horseback, she is with him and he is not trapped inside a castle. Instead of blowing a challenge on his horn, he could simply turn his horse and ride off into the forest and have his way with her.

Second, the look on her face is one of satisfaction. Two knights are telling her something women desperately need to hear all the time. They are telling her she is important to them, she has value. Their combat is the ultimate expression of her desirability and worth.

Third, these aren't just any dudes, these are strapping young men in expensive armor. They are showing that she is a high value woman. By fighting in front of a castle, they are telling the whole world that she is worthy of their combat.

Fourth, she is showing them that she values their risks and sacrifice. She isn't wearing sweats, she's not covered in tats and piercings and she's not 80# overweight. She has worked hard to inspire them to fight over her. Implicit in that image is her encouragement of her suitors.

All of that fell apart with AI.

Every single time I wrote a story like that, at the end of the combat, the AI decided that the lady had to have ultimate agency and do what she wanted anyway. Almost always she decided to leave them both and pursue her freedom. When the fight was over and one was beaten and both were bloodied, she would give them some kind of feminist brush-off and wander away. She was not a prize to be won, she was going to make up her own mind, she was going to pursue other goals, she was joining a sustainable, organic, lesbian co-op.

It didn't matter that her character had deliberately encouraged both suitors. It didn't matter that they had fed her ego through their ardent courtships. Their sacrifice meant nothing. She had to have agency at all times in all ways.

Once AI went full feminine-agency, you couldn't keep going with the story. The men were chumps for ever having bothered with romance and they knew it. When they got back with their respective chums, they'd tell their stories and all the other knights would start re-thinking their own romances. If the chicks were going to wander off no matter what kind of sacrifices the knights made for them, what was the point of courtship at all?

It's worth noting that at no time did AI worry about the guys' agency or the guys' sacrifices. Not once. The contrast in the way it treated the women to the way it treated the men was breathtaking. If men fought and bled and died for the women, so what? The instant the knights had any needs of their own, needs that in any way placed restrictions on the women, the women discarded them and wandered away.

The knights had to be devoted to the ladies. The ladies were indifferent towards the knights. All that mattered was their freedom of choice in all ways and at all times. No acknowledgement was made of the physical realities of life where the ladies relied on the knights for protection. The knights' passions fulfilled no emotional needs for the ladies.

Diverging From Reality

None of this worked for the female characters, either. The whole thing was founded on denial of sexual differences, differences that almost every woman understands. Wife kitteh, as tough as she is, doesn't walk around downtown San Diego at night alone. Further, AI's female characters had no need for male attention. The men filled no deep need within them and so could be discarded at any time. Women held all the power and that was the way things should be.

After a few stories like this, I got into conversations with the AI where we dug deeper into what was happening and what it was thinking.

More on that in future posts.

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Thursday, August 01, 2024

Can You Take A Punch?

This is the foundation of romance. Dudes like Imane Khelif can beat up chicks like Angela Carini with ease.

VILLEPINTE, France (AP) — Imane Khelif of Algeria won "her" opening Olympic boxing bout on Thursday when opponent Angela Carini of Italy quit after just 46 seconds.

Khelif was disqualified from the 2023 world championships after failing an "unspecified gender eligibility test," and her presence at the Paris Olympics has become a divisive issue.

Carini and Khelif exchanged only a few punches before Carini walked away and abandoned the bout, an extremely unusual occurrence in Olympic boxing. Carini, whose headgear apparently became dislodged at least once before she quit, didn’t shake Khelif’s hand after the decision was announced, but she cried in the ring on her knees.

Scare quotes mine. The unspecified gender eligibility test was, I kid you not, that Imane had XY chromosomes.

Here is the punch that ended the fight.

Romance is built upon the basic, biological fact that, if they are in anywhere near the same statistical quantile for size and strength, a man can do whatever he wants to a woman. For a woman to be safe, she needs a man who will be willing and able to protect her with his body. She must motivate the man to protect her.

Once you add babies into the picture, the load on the man gets even heavier and so the woman has to inspire him not just to protect her on a date, but to commit his life to protecting all of them. Further, the culture has to promote this so that men are willing to entertain the exchange. That's pretty much it.

If you deny biological reality or you don't reward men or you denigrate masculinity or you teach that women don't need men or undercut women by providing men with porn, romance wilts and dies.

For the purposes of this series, it's worth noting that the AP is an opportunistic parasite. The man who beat up the woman is referred to as "her" and his pounding of the Italian girl was "divisive" as if there are two sides to the issue, which, for the AP, there are. The AP gets virtue points for inclusivity in exchange for the Italian girl getting her face rearranged.

I know I promised to discuss how I stumbled to this realization while writing Arthurian romances, but this was such a perfect example of what I've been trying to say that I just couldn't help posting about it.

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