Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Hyper- or Hypo-?

I hadn't intended to drag current events into my series on sex, Sex, SEX!, but I can't pass up this opportunity to use it as a clear illustration of my take on the deliberate, cultural destruction of romance.

In case you've missed the rest of the posts in this series, a list is given at the end. The thesis is that we've destroyed the foundations of romance which has resulted in tremendous pain for women and massive underachievement by men.

On with the show.

By now, almost all of you have seen the hideous degeneracy from the Paris Olympics' opening ceremonies.

A group of perverts recreated DaVinci's Last Supper after performing masturbatory dances. And yes, I've read the absolute rubbish excuses from the organizers after the public response to their "art" turned so negative. "Why, we had no idea anyone would take this as sacrilege! We never intended it as an attack on Christianity. It was all about Greek mythology!" Yawn. The Secular Left rarely takes responsibility when they go too far. Everything they do is innocent and inclusive and blah blah blah.

That's all this was, going too far. This was Operation Market Garden where they pushed a little too deep into enemy, read: Catholic, territory and got spanked for it. Just like the Netherlands campaign in September, 1944, they suffered a loss, but two weeks from now, we Catholics will be in retreat again. It was a minor, but embarrassing loss for the Secular Left as they work to exterminate the faith.

I've seen the Catholic and Christian responses to it and they all get it wrong. The guy who gets closest to responding properly is Bishop Robert Barron.

That was about as forceful as things got.

Briefly going even further down this rabbit hole, Gavin Ashenden, whom I admire greatly, went with the claim that the Secular Left revealed that they were afraid of us with this hideous travesty. No, Gavin, it showed the exact opposite. This was a blatantly dominant act against an enemy that was too weak to fight back in any meaningful way. This was a large, male dog forcing a weaker dog onto it's back to whine for mercy.

Getting back to the sex, Gavin and others made the mistake of saying that the masturbatory aspects of the dancing were hypersexualized. It most certainly was not. It was the opposite. Like the rest of our popular culture, it was hyposexualized. Yes, the costumes were pornographic, but the pornography was necessary for the participants and their fans to become aroused.

The "artists," the organizers and the fans of such things have deadened their senses to the point that they need exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics and primary sexual acts to get their jollies. That's hypo-, not hyper-.

This is commonplace these days. It's not just babies that are less common, it's sex. Just to take one aspect of this, it's well-established that frequent use of porn deadens sexual responses to normal attraction. Dig this snippet from Rod Dreher's essay on the Paris Olympics' Erectile Dysfunction Ceremony.

Men dressing as women. Jesus Christ as an obese butch lesbian. Dionysius, the god of wine and chaos, as Eucharist. And: children who believe their problems will be solved by castrating themselves or cutting off their breasts, and adults — even in government — who encourage them in this self-mutilation. Teaching schoolchildren about the ins and outs of sodomy. Hardcore porn, streaming 24/7 into the hands of billions. An “alarming increase” in young teenage girls being treated by doctors for anal prolapse and anal tears as “anal intercourse … has moved from the world of pornography to mainstream media. It is no longer considered an extreme behaviour but increasingly portrayed as a prized and pleasurable experience.” (Source)

I'm sorry, but if you're a teenage boy and you need anal intercourse to get turned on by a teenage girl, you are most certainly not hypersexualized. Teenage boys by their nature are hypersexualized. Craving degenerate sex acts is a sign of being hyposexualized.

The pervs in that expensive display of flaccidity in Paris were dressing in costumes and slithering around in front of the cameras because they can't perform any other way. They need the costumes, the drugs, the dancing to do what ordinary dogs can do all day every day when in season.

As we destroyed the foundations of romance, we crippled ourselves sexually. Now, like long-term porn addicted men, we lie about it to hide the fact that we can't perform. Yes, it was all sacrilege, but like any good sacrilege, it showed the perps for what they were. Pathetic, self-destructive losers.

Other Posts in this Series

Recapping recent blog posts, here's where we are so far:

1 comment:

IlĂ­on said...

I endorse this message.