Friday, July 12, 2024

Are Those Real?

What are we on about today? Sex, Sex, SEX!

Admiral Rachel L. Levine serves as the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Richard Levine is a mentally ill man who claims to be a woman and calls himself Rachel. He was made an admiral by the current administration with the full support of the news media. the entertainment industry and academia. None of them will say that he's actually a man.

Dig this response to a university lecture where simple, well-known sexual dimorphisms are listed.


Parents instinctively protect their offspring with vigor and sometimes violence. For some reason, tens of thousands of us have been psychologically altered in some way to not recognize obvious harm any more. Instead of fighting to defend our children from poisoning and mutilation, we actively support it.

It's not just that our culture has become evolutionarily inferior to others as evidenced by differences in fertility rates and population growth, it's that we are now actively fighting not only reproductive biology and sexual dimorphism, but reality itself.

Recapping recent blog posts, here's where we are so far:

In the next blog post, we'll start trying to make sense out of what has happened to us.

1 comment:

IlĂ­on said...

It was bad enough when the "thing" for teen girls was "cutting", which they did to themselves. Naturally, once Big Medicine saw that there was money to be made, the made the situation far worse.