Thursday, September 16, 2010

Energizing the Base

... with a new logo that just begs to be photoshopped. I'm willing to bet that within 3 months, there will be a mocking, photoshopped version of this that outsells the original.

By the way, taking out a $13T loan at a 4% rate will run you $520B a year in interest payments alone.


Anonymous said...

What if you spent the $13T on something that no longer has value, and you're underwater? Can you just walk away from the loan? And how much of the $13T did they spend on that valueless logo?

tim eisele said...

It kind of reminds me of the Royal Air Force Insignia, which always seemed to me to look too much like a target to be appropriate for putting on an airplane ("Hey, shoot me here! Right here! On the target! That I have thoughtfully painted over my fuel tanks!").

K T Cat said...

Someone on the Interweb Tubes said it looked like they'd given themselves a grade of "D". That's the first thing I thought of, too. It looks like a teacher's writing on a test paper or report.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Check your e-mail, ol' buddy.