Saturday, June 28, 2008

On Moving in to a new Place

I moved recently and am still working on finding a place for everything. When I moved, I dropped about 40% of my square footage, so I have much less room for my stuff. That's OK, because I've needed to cull my belongings and I'm donating a lot to the local thrift stores. In fact, they're even getting some of their old stuff back!

Moving all your stuff is not the same as putting it away. With less space, it's kind of like one of those tile puzzle games because once you decide where something needs to go, you have to clear out the stuff that is there right now, but that means you have to find a place for that stuff, a place that's occupied by something else...

This would work a whole lot better if I just donated a few tiles to the thrift store.

Image used without permission from Zona Land.

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