Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Recent Recipes

I use this blog as a storage space for favorite recipes, so I thought I'd unclutter my desk and record a couple of recent winners as well as an ambiguous set of catfish recipes.

Winner: Herb-roasted Pork Loin. We served this for guests and it was universally praised. It's going in our rotation.

The Best Fried Chicken: I had a fried-chicken-off with some guys while wife kitteh was on a vacation with her bestie. I posted a poll on Twitter to see which one people thought would win.

My judges here at Catican Fish Camp West were split between the heavy breading of the panko and the ultra-thin crust of the rice flour. For me, there was no competition, it's rice flour for me. You get the crunch of fried chicken, the juiciness of chicken cooked in oil without the blobs of greasy breading.

Ambiguous Catfish: I did this one solo, while wife kitteh was on the aforementioned vacay. I tried three recipes and now I can't remember which one I liked the best. Argh! I usually tweet my cooking, but this time, I was incomplete in my Twitter records. 

Southern Fried Catfish. I'm pretty sure this one was not the winner. It was good, though, I do remember that. They were all good, so that's a safe thing to say.

Classic Fried Catfish. I want to say that this was the winner. It surprised me because the masa flour made a big difference. 

Deep South Dish's Southern Fried Catfish. Everything Mary does is a winner and this was no exception. I think this one came in second behind the Classic above.

I Need To Try This: AB has a twist on fried chicken I've never attempted - use the buttermilk as a marinade by seasoning it. When you think about it, of course it's a marinade! Duhh. Next time I do fried chicken, I'm definitely going heavy on the seasoning both in the buttermilk and in the flour. The other thing that should have been obvious is that you need to taste the flour once you've added your seasonings and adjust it on that basis. Duhh * 2.

Old School Blogging Reference

Way back when, Jacob the Syrian Hamster was my nom de plume for noms. Good times, man. Good times.

As Chef Jacob always said, it's all about the taste!

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