When corporate Democrat think tank geniuses trade opinion pieces in the New York Times with radical Democrat academics, it's a cold war. When radical Democrat rioters burn and loot Democrat cities, it's a hot war. Similarly, when radical Democrat mobs vandalize public artwork in Democrat cities, it's also a hot war. If there is physical harm to people or things, the war is hot.
Last night, Democrat mobs tore down statues of St. Junipero Serra and Francis Scott Key in San Francisco. After they tore down Key, the police, acting as agents of the Democrat establishment, told the mob that the point had been made. The cops vowed that they would allow no more statues to be torn down.
And then, in what is easily the most delicious moment of this blue-on-blue civil war, the mob defied the police and tore down a statue of Ulysses S. Grant.
Yes, that U. S. Grant.
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Just to make sure all of the establishment Democrats out there understand, if radical Democrats occupy portions of your cities, if they drive the cops from their precinct houses, if they attack your business owners, if they vandalize your buildings, then you are in the middle of a hot war. Hot wars aren't won with strongly-worded memos. You're going to need to use more force than they do.
Speaking of force, in Seattle, they have lots of guns. In Portland, who knows what they have. In San Francisco, they have syringes and loose bowels.
Good luck, Democrats.
Concerning the cops standing aside to allow the Burning Looting Murdering whenever the leftist Powers That Be order it --
This confirms two things I have said for years:
1) Cops are just "bureaucrats with guns" -- most individual cops will do to us *whatever* the bureaucratic higher-up command, no matter how blatantly immoral, illegal and unconstitutional. Ergo, cops are not "heroes", they are merely necessary evils.
2) If there is ever a coup in this country, it will be the civilian cops, not the military, who supply the bully-boy muscle to enforce the diktats of the Junta. Ergo, cops are not "heroes", they are merely necessary evils.
On point 2 -- most of the top brass in the military are *also* nothing but "bureaucrats with guns", and a lot of them will also support the Junta. However, G I Joe will not.
I know too many cops to agree with this. I'd argue that cops love their neighborhoods and their cities. They devote their lives and offer their bodies to protect the residents. The fact that they have been treated as disposable by the left wing political leaders in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and elsewhere and still stay on the job speaks to this.
And I've run across too many dishonest cops and ex-cops to have any illusions left about them.
But, never mind that, just open you eyes to what has been going on for the past few months -- it isn't the (leftist) mayors and governors who are harassing mere citizens (*) playing in the park with their children or paddle-boarding all by themselves in the ocean or going to church. It isn't the (leftist) mayors and governors who are standing there watching -- when they are not retreating! -- as businesses are looted and burned and mere citizens are assaulted by leftist thugs.
Sure, the (leftist) mayors and governors are issuing these absurd and indeed illegal orders to the police, but it is the *police officers* who are choosing to carry them out.
(*) or, as the cops call us, "civilians", as though they are not civilians also
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