Friday, July 09, 2010

Japanese Compassion

They spent and spent and spent. They borrowed and borrowed and borrowed. They have no military to speak of, so there was no imperial aggression to waste all that money. After 20 years of massive government intervention, Japan should be a progressive Keynesian paradise.

Whoops. Borrowing is just spending the future's money. The future has arrived.
“We desperately need those government subsidies,” said Shinichi Hida, a Naganohara town official. “Otherwise, I don’t know how this town can get by with so many elderly people” to support.
The government subsidies won't be forthcoming because they've killed the private sector in order to feed the government.

All jobs come from profits. All taxes come from profits. All opportunities come from profits. The government produces no profit. Without profit, there is no power to act upon your compassion.

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