Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Apologizing for Arizona

Over at our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings, Dean has posted a pretty good summary of the apologize-for-Arizona-to-China imbroglio. The whole thing is appalling, but if you look at it from the multiculturalist, moral relativist point of view, it all makes sense.

Here's the logic behind the apology, as best as I can make it out. China killed 60-80M people under Mao. There hasn't been a significant break in the ruling party in China from then to now. All cultures are equally valid and none is better than another. Arizona is trying to keep illegal aliens out. Since all cultures are equal, then Arizona's law must be as bad as Mao's slaughter. Ergo, we need to apologize to China for the unspeakable horror that is Arizona.

I had a polemic worthy of Dean's granted title of "Favorite Scold" half written in my head, but I just don't have the anger in me to finish it, partly because I'm trying to get away from the anger and move more towards explanation on this site. Suffice it to say that the San Diego officials who are boycotting Arizona are pandering morons.

Hmm. I'm starting to get angry over that...


Rose said...

May the simmering cauldron overflow and float the morons - at every level of govt. - out of office this June 8th and in November.

Feed that anger, don't deny it, let it strengthen your resolve, because that is what it is gonna take to save us.

Standing up for right over wrong is never a bad thing.

Dean said...

I'm with Rose. Focused and channeled anger can be a tremendous rhetorical blogging weapon.

We have no business entering into "dialog" with the Chi-comms regarding human rights. What is there to dialog about? In order to dialog, it is assumed there is some common ground between the two parties. Between China and America, there is none.

But since we have decided to dialog, we are forced to pander while simultaneously throwing U.S. citizens under the bus. Shameful.

Amateur hour. Effing amateur hour.

Oh, thanks the link!

tim eisele said...

The thing that bothers me about the Arizona law, is that I'm not so sure the justification is valid. Supposedly, it is intended to suppress some sort of crime wave, but as far as I can see, the statistics show that crime in Arizona has actually been well down from its peak around 1995.

A friend of mine has an interesting theory: he thinks that the impetus behind the law wasn't actually from people who were concerned about high crime. He thinks it might be a ploy by the hispanic gangs to put pressure on the illegal immigrants who are not here to commit crimes. If there is more police pressure on them, then they will be forced to pay the gangs to protect them from the police. Which they can do because they are already in the business of paying off the police to look the other way during, say, drug shipments. Thereby taking people who are currently only criminals because they came into the country illegally, and making them into criminals because they are working with the criminal gangs.

Overall, I don't think it is going to end well. And not for the reasons that most people are expecting.