The audacity of Santelli’s “revolt” is that a mere 75 billion is being spent to help struggling families repackage loans- a pittance in the terms of the gargantuan amount of money being thrown at the banks, the Wall Street wizards, and the rest of the rocket scientists who are the root of this problem.$75B is a trivial amount now. Why worry about such a small sum?
This, in fact, is Obama's entire defense of his porkapalooza. It boils down to claiming that if the Republicans ran big deficits, then they can't attack him for running truly gigantic ones. That's scary. There's clearly no limit at all to the size of the deficit they are willing to run. There's even talk now of a second Stimuloid Porkgasm™.
This is very bad.
The truth of the matter, however, is a bit more complicated. The deficit was declining when the Republicans still ran the Congress*. It wasn't until Nancy Pelosi and her crew took over that the things started to get out of control again.

Image borrowed from an old Washington Post story. It ended up worse than this.
* - contrary to what you hear repeated over and over in the media, it is Congress, not the President, that taxes and spends. It's even in the Constitution and everything!
"... and the rest of the rocket scientists who are the root of this problem."
I'm a rocket scientist (ret.) and I resent that remark. I had absolutely nothing to do with this f*cking problem. I've had two fixed-term mortgages in my life, both of which I paid in full. Otherwise, I have been completely debt free; I've always paid my taxes on time; and I never demanded anything that I didn't earn.
F*ck John Cole, and the horse he came in on.
Since we know that Obama was nurtured and funded by Soros and that he was also nurtured by Marxists in his formative years, is it not reasonable to wonder if there is a plan afoot to bankrupt the States ready for a takeover by the hard lefty types? If so, maybe they've forgotten the second amendment.
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