"I'm sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me because I wasn't gonna vote for the president's budget," Massa said. "Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?"No, Eric, we don't know how awkward it is. If we hadn't given you and your pinheaded, egomaniac friends too much power long ago, we still wouldn't. And thanks for the mental image of two naked, pampered, overfed, middle-aged dorks arguing about how to throw a trillion and a half more dollars on our collective credit cards so they could slop the troughs of groups of lazy parasites.
This, dear readers, is what happens when you let the government make too many decisions for you and spend too much of the money you earned. You get front-page stories about the lives of dreary, little trolls who would otherwise be selling insurance from a phone bank in a cubicle in Albany or (in Rahm's case) be in and out of jail on mundane and unimaginative extortion and racketeering charges. Instead, these pipsqueak windbags without the intelligence or gumption it takes to run a taco shop are given all kinds of press and we're expected to hang on their every anecdote.
If that doesn't turn you into a Milton Friedman small government fanatic then you need serious help.

H/T: Ann Althouse and the Puppy Blender.
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Saddest of all, the restaurant you picture (or the franchise near my home) went out of business recently, because these pinheads' economic policies are preventing a recovery.
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