Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Handing Live Grenades To Toddlers

Dig this desiccated hag going on about imprisoning people who disagree with her.

It's not worth going through all of her particular disinformationisms because they're so painfully obvious, even to the corporate media toadies interviewing her. The power lies not in the ability to put disinformationists in prison, but in the ability to define disinformation. She's so dim that she can't see a world where people like me will have the upper hand and, after a few years more of persecution, be all too willing to use that power on people like her.

External events being what they are, it's not too hard to project a near-future where the progressives are pariahs. Think about the spastic political shift that happened during the Great Depression. One day, the Republicans were riding high, the next, the Democrats had total control that lasted for decades.

The whole idea behind our system of government was to limit the government's power so we could prevent such tyrannies no matter who was in charge. As we discard that, we inch the grenades deeper and deeper into the day care play area.

Yeah, I know, ChatGPT messed up some of the faces, but the image was close enough. Whatever.

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