Sunday, December 24, 2023

Ship Of Church Fools

Pope Francis didn't recognize the implicit tradeoffs in Fiducia supplicans and thus started a world war within the Church. More importantly, he screwed over civilization.

The video below is what he ignored in his boundless "compassion."  

Ship Of Church Fools

In his outstanding book, Ship of Fools, Tucker Carlson illustrates how our two political parties have merged on many, many issues, always to the detriment of workers. For example, Democrats used to oppose illegal immigration because they supported the farm workers union. Republicans supported illegal immigration because they supported the farmers. Now that the Democrats have embraced modern Nazism and are bent on making whites a minority, illegal immigration is out of control and the entry-level, blue collar labor market is being obliterated.

If you're a high school graduate not going on to college, you're hosed.

The video above showing women in despair as they realize they will never find a husband and have a family is a consequence of our embrace of sexual libertinism and feminism. Both of those have their upsides. It's good that gays don't have to hide any more. It's good that women can now choose careers over family if they want.

There are no solutions, only trade-offs.

Sexual libertinism means fewer husbands for the women who want them. Guys will do whatever it takes to get laid. If chicks put out and porn is everywhere, fewer men will prepare for marriage by keeping fit, getting a career and wooing a girl. Feminism has led to women earning more. Women don't want a man who earns less than they do. The mathematics of it are implacably bad for marriage. The guys aren't trying because they've got porn and the women are excelling in their careers, making the men less attractive.

And then the crash. The women in the video above are not atypical. There are even more in the pipeline. There is a ton of feminine pain all around us and it's only going to get worse. You can see that in the depression rates.

No One Stands For Marriage Any More

Fiducia supplicans was the Catholic Church surrendering to sexual libertinism. It cannot be seen any other way. The pope and his "compassionate, inclusive and non-judgmental" allies in the Church hierarchy removed the one and only guardrail in Catholicism that protected women from the fate shown above when they divorced being a sexual couple recognized by the Church from procreation.

Just as the Democrats were the workers' only protection from having wages slashed by competition from illegals, the Catholic Church was the only remaining institution protecting women by insisting on the sexual restraints that make marriage more likely.

Under Fiducia Supplicans, Anything Goes

If getting it on with other guys earns you a priest's blessing, why doesn't a pornography addiction do the same? All the pope has done is substitute the moral judgments of the Jesuits for the moral judgments of St. Paul. What makes that galactic perv Father James Martin the final arbiter of right and wrong? Why aren't I the final arbiter of what is right and wrong for me?

When Sam Brinton was named to a high position in the DoE and it was discovered he had a thing for sex while wearing a leather dog costume, I penned this blog post and I think it's apropos for what the Jesuits just did to all of us.

This snippet appeared directly beneath this photo of Sam and his "dog."

Those are the fruits of Obergfell. What is wrong with Sam doing ... err, whatever it is he's doing there? There was always only one guardrail when it came to sex and that was how babies were made. Once we ditched that, bestiality, pretend-bestiality in this case, and pedophilia were the inevitable, logical future steps for the simple reason that we can't explain why it's wrong.

Some will claim that consent is the real guardrail, but consent is subjective. Baby-making is objective. Babies and the making thereof constitute a hard limit for acceptable behavior. Consent is in the eye of the beholder. Hey, I know some really mature ten-year-olds. Why can't they give consent? Are you some kind of prude or something?

If the civil war within the Church is lost by the forces of rational thought, the ones who demand that our teachings be logically consistent and founded on objective reality, scripture and divine inspiration, then we will all be in a similar position to the border towns in Texas today, hopelessly overrun by forces unleashed when the side protecting them caved.

There is no backstop to Catholicism when it comes to protecting women who, by their biological nature, crave a husband and family. If we're defeated, the despair of nihilistic hedonism will consume us all.

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