Chernobyl is what happens when a society is built on a mountain of lies and those lies are more important than people. "Leadership knows what it's doing so you must obey their orders! Our power plants are safe and Soviet nuclear technology is world-class! Our workers, underpaid with nothing in the stores to buy, are dedicated, sober and competent!"Now allow me to carry this to a current, American example.
If you disagreed or pointed out contradictions, you were arrested and sent to the gulags or simply shot. The lies had to be preserved no matter the cost.
Baltimore is what happens when a society is built on a mountain of lies and those lies are more important than people.
A Project Baltimore investigation has found five Baltimore City high schools and one middle school do not have a single student proficient in the state tested subjects of math and English.If you don't want to click on the link, the data shows that the failing students are predominantly black, the schools are heavily funded and the families are mostly single-parent. Here, the lie the elites in power repeat endlessly is that racism is a major problem. The truth is that the culture, specifically the destruction of the traditional, nuclear family is the problem.
If you point out that there aren't a whole lot of white supremacists anywhere near the neighborhoods where these kids are failing, you become the subject of scorn and ridicule. You are accused of racism. Duh. When the only tool you have is social justice every problem looks like racism.
Meanwhile, if you truly loved the people of Baltimore, both the failing children and the undoubtedly agonizing moms, you'd tell the truth. Starting with the truth is the only way to solve problems. Since the media, academia, the entertainment industry and one of the two big political parties repeats the mantra of "Racism!" over and over again, the conclusion is that they don't love the people of Baltimore at all.
The lie is more important than the people.
There was a KKK rally in Dayton recently. I saw news reports about it all over the place, but it took a little digging to find out how many white supremacists showed up. 9. Nine. One less than ten.
Why was a rally of 9 people covered at all in the media? Heck, a girls' high school track meet will get a hundred times that many people and I don't see those people being discussed by panels of experts on cable news.
The Elites are addicted to the lie. They are in love with the lie. The lie is their religion. Facts that contradict the lie are suppressed and people pointing them out are cast out of polite society. Whether or not the bodies pile up in Chernobyl or the streets of Baltimore doesn't matter at all. All that matters is the lie.
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The ruins of a school room in Baltimore or Chernobyl. It hardly matters which. |
"There was a KKK rally in Dayton recently. I saw news reports about it all over the place, but it took a little digging to find out how many white supremacists showed up. 9. Nine. One less than ten."
Three were FBI agents, three were ATF agents, three were agents of the State (Ohio?) version of the FBI.
Back in the day, the KKK was the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, much as "antifa" is today. So, since the Democratic Party have decided that they no longer need to rely on the KKK, it is kept on life support by the bureaucratic arm(s) of the Democratic Party.
Three were FBI agents, three were ATF agents, three were agents of the State (Ohio?) version of the FBI.
I saw an old Get Smart episode recently where Max infiltrated a Kaos spy ring. In the end, it turned out that the last actual Kaos spy had left the ring years ago and all of the members were infiltrators from friendly governments and agencies.
Did you hear the noise out of NYC?
They've got a spike in Jew bashing because that's "right wing hate."
I was going to say that three were CIA agents ... but that would be illegal, and as we all know, the CIA would never illegally spy on US citizens.
The city of Minneapolis recently had to cancel some meetings about race that were to be related to the anniversary of the end of slavery.
The cancellation was due to the fact that the meetings were to be segregated.
It seems like you are confusing your opinion with fact. For instance, is marriage the cause of more wealth, better educational outcomes for kids and greater happiness, or is it simply a marker. If you live in Baltimore and are living in abject poverty and somebody else in the same condition, with no prospects were to propose marriage, who would accept? In fact, who would propose if you felt you had no hope of improvement.
On a different slant, the laws on drugs are now widely seen to have been based racially. Crack, which was widely found in the slums carried much weightier charges and sentences than did cocaine, which at base is essentially the same substance. The net result is great swaths of folks got put away for long periods of time and ended up with felonies on their records. Who is going to hire them, or marry them for that matter? So you don't really need the KKK burning crosses in front of homes for folks to be affected by racism.
And on racism, you seem to have a decidedly Manichean view, either one is a KKK/neo-Nazi, or one is a Martin Luther King clone. In reality, it is a spectrum between those two archetypes. Great damage can still be wrought by someone who is not marching in a white pride parade, but is doing the hiring down at the local factory and given the choice leans towards people whose skin tone matches their own.
Finally, even in the total absence of racism today, there are artifacts that have been handed down from prior generations. My mother taught me to read, I was reading when I hit kindergarten. For generations it was illegal for blacks to learn to read, and then in the aftermath of the civil war black schools were a constant target for arson and the teachers targeted for violence. Along with wealth, knowledge, educational standards and expectations are handed down.
As it happens, Anonymous, we can look at if marriage is associated with better outcomes or not. You can look at the kids who come out of Baltimore, compare the ones who marry before having children to the ones who are single parents.
Also, reality check, not only have most of the marriages in history been formed in abject poverty, but abject poverty in the US does not exist anymore. There's people who have serious mental issues who are abandoned, but functioning adults live in only relative poverty.
On a different slant, the laws on drugs are now widely seen to have been based racially.
No, people have been making the accusation for some 40 years. And people get very upset when you ask if they examined the prior criminal convictions that went into the documented disparity of sentencing. (Short version, well known criminals were more likely to get caught with the cheaper and faster acting version; ignoring the 'first hit is free' effect that dealers were KNOWN to employ.)
Having lived in areas that avoided putting people away for drug dealing, charging and sentencing drug dealers is a good thing. It protects the people who are NOT part of a criminal organization from those who are. That's besides the fact that drugs destroy lives.
Great damage can still be wrought by someone who is not marching in a white pride parade, but is doing the hiring down at the local factory and given the choice leans towards people whose skin tone matches their own.
Are you accusing the schools of failing because the black instructors hired black teachers and that is why the school is failing? They do actively recruit black teachers, on the theory that boils down to the students being, as you describe it, racist rather than MLK jr.
Your history is incorrect; you can hit Wikipedia's article on "Anti-literacy laws in the United States" and see that none were before 1815, most were 1830, and they were frequently ignored by slave owners. Of course, fifty years after the first ones were passed, 30 years after most, they didn't apply anymore.
That's not generations. As you point out, knowledge and education standards are handed down, assuming the parents are able to be around their kids; you can't wipe out literacy that quickly.
You can, however, destroy literacy by having kids spend all day with other children in a culture where attempting to do schoolwork makes you a race traitor who is "acting white" and will be assaulted for it, under the care of teachers who cannot even remove violent disruptions from the class.
Anon, marriage is absolutely crucial. You can't do the same quality job with half the workforce and half the resources. Single parenting is doomed to create an inferior quality product. That's why all the stats show exactly this. The data is incontrovertible, the data set is massive and the mechanisms are well understood. No racism there.
As for drug laws, it was the Black Caucus in congress that pushed for the crack cocaine laws because they saw their neighborhoods being destroyed by it. No racism there.
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