I loves me some Jonah Goldberg. Or I did, up to two years ago. After that, I found him tiring and repetitive, but that wasn't the real reason. It's taken me this long to figure out what turns me off about the Never Trump crowd, of which I was a founding member back when he declared his candidacy.
Here's the reason: I don't care.
The Never Trump gang, living in their self-reinforcing bubble, keeps beating the same drums over and over and over again. The guy is unpredictable, he's crude, he makes unforced errors because he's undisciplined, he has no political principles, blah blah blah.
I don't care.
You see, I don't live in the world of the pundits. I live in San Diego. I'm not interested in who tweeted what to whom and which poll says what. I'm interested in the Church, preparing for retirement, cooking, sports, diving, old cars and so forth. As far as my interests are concerned, Trump has been fantastic. What difference does it make to me if the High School Glee Club members that make up the media and the politicians are having a 4-year, thermonuclear catfight? Knock yourself out, kids. Have a good time.
Meanwhile, my 401K looks good, the Catholic Church isn't under attack (except by it's own idiot leadership), free speech is being defended from the Nazis Without Ambition Party, judges are being installed who will respect my votes, it all looks really good to me. At the same time, the Nazis are going bonkers everywhere, trying to shut down speech, hound people out of the public square, get others fired, and delete social media accounts whenever their views are threatened. They're a pack of almost-violent jerks.
How do you counter almost-violent jerks? With a big jerk of your own. With someone who isn't going to fold when CNNABCNBCCBSNPR runs wall-to-wall coverage of
Instead, we've got ourselves a first class jerk. He gives Italian hand gestures to the media and the social justice crazies every day, telling them to do unnatural acts to themselves. As far as I can tell, he's the only one who could have stood up for us like this, the way we needed it.
Because he does that, I can go to church, work on my car, go diving and plan vacations in peace. If Jonah and the others in their bubble feel the need to rant all day that Trump is unstable or whatever it is they're on about now, so be it. I just don't care.
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CNN or the staff of the National Review. I can't tell which. |
As well as all that, it's such fun! He brings all the crazies out of the woodwork to scurry around in the sunlight, exposed for what they are. And they don't know what to do.
Rabbits. Many many much rabbits.
I'm...not glad to hear that you're not reading Jonah anymore, but it's kind of a relief to hear someone else notice that he just stopped being any FUN.
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