... is one of the things I made over the weekend. My
Kodak PlaySport is designed to be submerged up to 10' and I've used it in the past to take
tidepool videos. I've used a small
octopus tripod to hold it in place, but that's never been terribly satisfactory as you've got to spend a lot of time trying to get the thing level and braced. The legs of the octopus also tend to splay out, making it problematic to fit into narrow crevasses the camera might find comfortable.
With all that in mind, I built a base for my camera this weekend from a Schedule 40 PVC end cap, a 1/4", 20-thread bolt with nylon locknut, some gravel from our yard and a bit of silicone.
The base needs to be heavy enough to hold the camera stable and in place while being only as wide as the camera itself.Chunks of dense rock, glued in place with silicone (not shown), provide the weight.I'm hoping to get some field work done this week with the camera. Editing the videos and posting them to YouTube is a breeze, so as soon as I can find the time and opportunity to film, I'm going to hit the tidepools.
Great idea. I need to find more uses for all the rocks on my property. Right now, they are pretty unproductive.
That ought to hold it down. And if it doesn't, well, there is always metal shot.
Tim, I considered metal shot or fishing weights, but like Jeff, I had lots of rocks laying around that weren't doing much.
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