First, let us welcome Ohioan at Heart into the Theocracy, granting him the title Cantor of Chemsitry. Our new Cantor of Chemistry is a good friend from work who is working his way into blogging both in the real world and within the confines of our jobs.
Second, let us welcome in our new Friar of Fatherhood, Ron Up North. He's another realtively new blogger who was very kind to link to The Scratching Post a while back. He has also played in our week-month-year-half your life game, an update to which we shall post shortly.
In the meantime, let the tuna flow into the crystal goblets and let water be drunk straight from the tap! It is a day of wondrous rejoicing for all!
Each member of the Feline Theocracy is given permission to post this handsome graphic on their blogs, designed by the Official Artist of the Theocracy, Justin.

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