Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Earn Money Today the Shouting Way!

... well, shouting and occupying TV news studios in a mob during a broadcast.

If this doesn't bring the country more money, nothing will!


tim eisele said...

I dunno, maybe they could earn money by turning it into a reality show. Although they might have to ratchet up the shouting a bit. I don't watch much TV, but from some clips I've seen on YouTube, I gather that a lot of actual shows routinely have rather more yelling and talking over each other than in this one.

K T Cat said...

You make a good point. It would have been great if they'd used just a couple of large extended families and they'd been yelling at each other. One of the news anchors could have mediated between the sides and shown them that they could all get along if they were willing to protest both the wage cuts and the budget cuts.