Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Jordan Peterson Explains Catholic Charities' Betrayal Of America

Jordan has been absolutely en fuego lately as his thread-pulling accelerates and his understanding of reality becomes deeper and more complete. This video is an outstanding description of the utter sinfulness of the Christian NGOs and Christian leadership with respect to the 4-year invasion of America by the illegals.

The US Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) preened about how we all need to respect the dignity of every human person as it came out in strident opposition to mass deportations. Just as Jordan described, they took the Lord's name in vain, wrapping themselves in the appearance of Christian charity as they kicked everyone in the groin.

The illegals were convinced to make the 1500-mile trek, taking Honduras as a nominal starting point, getting robbed, assaulted, raped, murdered or perhaps just dying from natural hazards along the way.

The Mexican cartels made billions as human traffickers because the illegals had no choice but to pay them to cross into the US.

Low-skilled American workers got replaced in their jobs or lost access to employment opportunities with the influx of illegals willing and able to work for less, paid cash under the table.

American cities got hit with massive, unsustainable and unpayable bills to house the illegals.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. The whole time this was happening, the Christian NGOs kept chanting Matthew 25:40.

Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.

It's all pharisaical rubbish. It's their whitewashed tomb as they clothe themselves in the words of Christ while purposefully harming their fellow citizens and the migrants at the same time. Dig this from a speech by Cardinal Christophe Pierre.

We are prophets when we announce, by our actions and our words, the truth that will transform society: namely, that God loves his people, and that he desires all people to experience their dignity as his children, as well as solidarity with one another as brothers and sisters in the human family.  We announce this prophetic message both through our direct social ministry and through our political involvement.  In our direct social ministry, we do the works of mercy as a way of revealing to the poor and the excluded their human dignity in Christ.  In our political involvement, we reject the narrow self-interest and political gamesmanship that is too often displayed by our leaders.

My God, the thing is so saturated with the kind of sin Jordan describes that it must have oozed out of his pores as he spoke. The Cardinal went on to quote our top pharisee, Pope Francis.

“I find it greatly disheartening to see that migration is still shrouded in a dark cloud of mistrust, rather than being seen as a source of empowerment. People on the move are seen simply as a problem to be managed. They cannot be treated like objects to be moved about; they have dignity and resources that they can offer to others; they have their own experiences, needs, fears, aspirations, dreams, skills and talents.”

By the time that our execrable Pontiff spoke these words, everyone in the Vatican knew about the tens of thousands of white, working-class, British girls who had been gang-raped by Muslim migrants. He knew this was happening and just kept going on and on about the human dignity of the migrants.

The British girls, like our own young, urban, black men who need access to the bottom rungs of a career ladder, meant absolutely nothing to these people. All they cared about was the chance to dress up their actions in Christian pieties and parade themselves around in front of their friends.

They took the Lord's name in vain over and over and over.

"I care about the migrants because I'm doing the work of Jesus."

Bonus Video

Ben Shapiro's take on NASCAR going woke works perfectly for the progressive Catholics who populate the NGOs and our leadership and why they went all-in on supporting the invasion. They weren't doing things for the sake of the migrants or their fellow citizens, they were simply posing for each other.

1 comment:

tim eisele said...

OK, so that Jordan Peterson clip consists almost entirely of him saying that Jesus's ministry was largely a campaign against the hypocrisy of claiming to be working in God's name when really just working for one's own benefit; that the Pharisees executed him for calling out their hypocrisy; and that the current Catholic Church is basically run by a bunch of hypocrites for their own benefit. I do not disagree with any of that. I am just wondering why, when other people have said similar things about the Church on this very blog, you have been "yeah, yeah, hypocrisy bad, whatever", but when !!!**JORDAN*!*PETERSON**!!! says it, all the sudden it is some great revelation and his analysis is On Fire!