Sunday, January 05, 2025

The Cuyahoga Grooming Gang Scandal

The true extent of the Pakistani gang-raping of white, British girls is now coming to light. The numbers are staggering with some estimates as high as 200,000 British girls having been raped by the Muslims over more than a decade. It was systemic, purposeful, organized and the authorities knew about it at the time.

I've got a few things to say about it which you might not have seen anywhere else. The first one is how the West's university system poisoned the culture to the point where the deliberate coverup of the Pakistani rape gangs wasn't just possible, but inevitable.

With apologies to Ohioan, the analogy that came to mind was the Cuyahoga River in the 1960s. If you don't know the story, industries along the river would dump their toxic wastes into the it, poisoning everything downstream. The climax of the adventure happened when the river caught fire in 1969. I vaguely remember the newscasts and my parents discussing it. As a child, I couldn't understand how a river could burn.

But burn it did.

En fuego.

That's where the West is right now. Marxism has captured our education system and it classifies everything into oppressor - victim categories. If your group has done well, it's because you're an oppressor. If your group has done poorly, it's because you've been victimized by the oppressors. Everything the oppressors created was created to maintain their power and keep their victims down. Art, music, literature, science, mathematics, whatever it is, if it came from white people, it's a tool of oppression.

You can be a conservative anywhere in the West or, more specifically, a Tory in England and you still carry this toxic classification tool with you, often subconsciously. The grooming gangs may have operated in places locally managed by Labour, but they happened under a long period of Tory national rule.

The reason I say covering for the grooming gangs was inevitable is because almost everyone coming out of university and, by definition almost, this means everyone in a position of power, can't help but see the Pakistanis as natural victims and white Brits as natural oppressors. No evidence is required because evidence is garlic to the Marxist vampires*.

And so the Tories brought in more and more and more Muslims, members of a faith that see unbelievers as easy meat, particularly when they aren't covered in black potato sacks as Allah intended.

I know that we're supposed to reflexively exhibit a "not-all-Muslims" spasm, but I don't see the need to do that as will be explained in a future blog post.

We have 1500 years of experience with this and it almost always goes in the same direction. See also: Nigeria. See also: Lebanon.

It was completely predictable that the Pakistanis, who have a particularly virulent strain of Islam endemic to their culture, would have a cadre of members who ended up gang-raping as many white British girls as they could get their hands on.

Thanks to the Marxists having captured our education system and poisoned the culture with their unreasoning hate of Western culture, it was also completely predictable that everyone downstream of their poison would make excuses for the victims of white oppression taking their justifiable revenge on the little, British, white girls.

Note: In this post, I've chosen not to link to any of the court testimonies that have been released lately. They're worse than you can possibly imagine and easy to find with search. If you do go read them, understand that you aren't looking at a single set of gang-raping Pakistani Muslims, but a template for a hundred or so gangs spread out across the length and breadth of England.

200,000+ little girls were raped and we let this happen because, thanks to the poisonous effluent downstream of our universities, we felt sorry for the rapists.

* - Hey, you try to write stream-of-consciousness rants almost every day and not mix your metaphors.


tim eisele said...

"with some estimates as high as 200,000 "

Estimated by who? Everything I have found is pretty consistent at putting the number at around 1400. Like this one:

And while that is pretty horrific, it is also a couple of orders of magnitude lower than 200,000. As far as I can see, the basis for that enormous number is Elon Musk, with no indication of where he got it from. And then you proceed to not cite any sources either. Are you just repeating something that Musk told you?

Ohioan@Heart said...

No need for an apology. As the song says, “Burn on, big river, burn on.”