Monday, August 20, 2018

Annie: A Cure For The Turmoils Of The Day

... and causer of other turmoils.

I've still got enough OCD about this blog to feel the need to post something every day, despite my repeated attempts at self-interventions to stop the madness. I've got a few more deep, well, deep for me, thoughts about the prelates of the Catholic Church doing their best to blow up the best thing that ever happened to Mankind, but I'll leave the next installment of my incoherent ravings to tomorrow.

Today, it's Annie. Annie is a little, fuzzy dog that no doubt has a breed name, but it's unknown to me. She belongs to good friends of ours and she's a dear. We were over at their pad last night and this was the only shot I could get of her that was worth posting. She posed very briefly in all kinds of fetching ways in between demands that I throw her toys for her so that she and her compadre could spend their time fetching.

In any case, I think she's cute and sometimes there's been enough the-sky-is-falling blog posts and it's time for the beautiful and/or the cute.


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