Thursday, March 23, 2017

The London Attack

... was a minor sideshow. Not to the victims, of course, but as far as the outcome of the ongoing civilizational struggle is concerned, it was meaningless.

The real combat is occurring in the maternity wards. Western democracies have made the ballot the primary and almost only weapon. It's all about the votes. Muslims are having babies and Europeans are not. When the Muslims can elect the government of their choice, the war will be over.


Anonymous said...

Well if you have any Muslim population, long term you will be overwhelmed no matter what, right? Also, doesn't this imply that all Muslims are uncivilized barbarians at the gate?

The Pope is encouraging taking Muslim refugees into Europe, does this imply that the Pope is actively working for the overthrow of civilization?

Ilíon said...

^ Yes; actively and deliberately.

"When the Muslims can elect the government of their choice, the war will be over."

Though the persecutions will be just beginning.

K T Cat said...

"doesn't this imply that all Muslims are uncivilized barbarians at the gate? "

No, just that their ideas for how the world should work are incompatible with Western ones. Apostasy laws, clitorectomies, suppressing gays, burkas, etc. are all things the West doesn't support, but would have to accept in an Islamic nation. Also, Islam encompasses everything - law, politics, economics, theology.

Ilíon said...

Actually, "all Muslims *are* uncivilized barbarians" by the very fact of being Moslems. If a Moslem is a good man, it is because he is a bad Moslem -- and, just as you never can tell when a bad Christian will decide to be a good Christian, you never can tell when a bad Moslem will decide to be a good Moslem. Moreover, because of the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya, you can't even be sure that a bad Moslem *is* a bad Moslem (who hasn't yet decided to be a good Moslem).