... in this case,
central planning mythology.
The Myth
European officials are now emphasizing the importance of registration centers on Greek islands. In theory, these so-called "hotspots" would help slow the flow of migrants heading to the north and mitigate security risks by swiftly identifying, registering and fingerprinting all arrivals. Migrants ineligible for protection would be deported and the rest distributed across Europe...
Hotspots are supposed to be closely linked to a much advertised EU plan that envisages the distribution of a total of 66,400 asylum seekers from Greece to other EU member-states.
The Reality
There are two main problems with the hotspots concept. First, only one of the five planned hotspots in Greece actually exists and is sufficiently operational...
(Second), the planned hotpots on the other four Greek islands have been hampered by opposition from local residents and mayors, red tape and a lack of funding and resources.
The Flow Equation
130 out, 30,000 in. Net gain of enemy light infantry: 29,870 during a winter month when travel conditions are harsh.
As for the flow of people northwards, nothing has changed. The migrants keep coming. On Wednesday of last week, despite snow and freezing temperatures, more than 2,000 people made the crossing to Lesbos... As for deportations, in the first two weeks of January Greece sent back 130 people to Turkey while some 30,000 came from the opposite direction...in 2015, more than 850,000 people arrived in Greece.
Data Point
The Greek Army has 135,000 men, nominally. It's actual strength is less. Immigrants in 2015 alone outnumber it by more than 6-1.
Greek Finances
Greek housing prices fell 5.1 percent in 2015, meaning residential properties are now worth 41.5 percent less than in 2008, before an enduring recession that forced the country close to bankruptcy, official data showed on Monday.
The Solution
People in Important Government Positions need to hold more meetings. |
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