Saturday, January 24, 2015

Biting Off More Potted Shrimps Than You Can Chew

Tonight's the Papist Pub night and I've got plenty of cooking to do. Steak and Kidney Pudding, Leeks in Brown Butter, etc. There's still shopping to do as well. What am I doing? Trying to figure out how to connect my TV to our SONOS sound system. And blogging. Hmm. Maybe I'm trying to do too much. Maybe I should just do the first things first as they say.

How about you? Do you find yourself biting off more than you can chew on a regular basis?

And the Potted Shrimp? I was giving some appetizers a try in my "test kitchen" earlier this week and tried this recipe. It's an old way of preserving shrimp, encasing them in clarified butter. Clarifying the butter removes the milk fats and keeps the butter from spoiling. You add some spices (mace and anchovy paste in this case) to give it a more distinctive favor. You spread the concoction over toast as shown below to make a delicious meal. Or a passable meal. Decent, but not worthy of guests.

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